The Imaging Resource Advantage
Why sponsor this email newsletter? Here are just a few compelling reasons to partner with Imaging Resource: Great content. Not only is Imaging Resource well-written, but its editorial diversity makes it an uncommonly lively publication. Each issue is highlighted with the staff's in-depth analyses of new hardware and Mike's candid adventures in software and technique. And liberally sprinkled with worthwhile links -- about 50 each issue. Our readers are pretty lively, too, as our popular Letters column proves each edition. It's an exciting editorial formula. All opt-in. Nobody gets this newsletter without asking for it. Period. List hygiene. Our list contains only real readers of the publication. We make it very easy to unsubscribe with 1) directions (and a link) in each newsletter, 2) an easy-to-use form on our Web site (the most popular way) and 3) attention to any unsubscribe request sent to staff. And undeliverables are immediately removed after each issue is published. Both Text and HTML ads. Your sponsorship slot runs as text at the top of the email newsletter and in HTML at the top of the archived HTML version of the publication. Why choose when you can have both? One Liners. You can also reach our readers with an inexpensive one line listing. Reliable. Both versions of the newsletter enjoy a regular publishing schedule. Both text and email editions are published on Friday. Personal. Mike (and sometimes Dave and Shawn) answer every email. Readers appreciate having a knowledgeable but approachable "free consultant" -- and are often surprised by how quickly we get back to them (very quickly). We're focused on helping our readers "get the picture" -- and putting our sponsors in that picture. Join us! |
Imaging Resource News is published as an email newsletter to approximately 55,000 combined direct and pass-along subscribers and simultaneously in HTML on the Web every two weeks. Our readership includes a significant number of pass-along readers, too, who pick up printouts of the newsletter from retail outlets and corporate conclaves that subscribe.
Our frequency allows us to cover industry events like CES, Macworld Expo, PMA and photokina -- all of which we actually attend, providing live coverage on our Web site. It also allows us to provide hardware and software reviews at product release. We report on digital cameras, accessories, storage mediums, scanners, printers, image editing software and services for digital imaging (like online photofinishing, framing and album sharing).
In addition we provide our readers with on-going tutorials designed to help them get the most out of their investment in digital imaging no matter what level of expertise they enjoy.
The format includes one or two special features, columns for beginners and advanced readers, a just-for-fun column, reviews (of hardware, software and books), news (primarily product releases), special purchasing deals, letters to the editor and more. A sample copy is available simply by reading the Current Issue.
We offer advertisers two ways to reach our readers. A sponsorship formats your ad prominently in both HTML and ASCII. And a one-line listing gets your URL or 800 number in print.
The current rate for a sponsorship slot in the newsletter is $1,000 per issue. Your text ad will appear in the emailed ASCII version of the newsletter and an HTML equivalent will appear in the online and archived versions.
You can see the HTML format in our current issue in the Sponsors section at the top.
The ASCII format (which does not include many special characters like ™ or ®) is limited to 100 words (not counting the required upper and lower case company identification at the top) with no special characters. Here's a sample featuring our house ad:
* IR Shopping Services * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your shopping clicks _really_ help IR and this newsletter, so remember us when you're shopping this year! - Checking prices or buying online? Bookmark - Planning to buy from Amazon or B&H? Use the links at -- IR receives a commission for all purchases made through these links. Thank you for your support! You're what makes our whole company possible.
Please contact us for availability.
For just $150 an insertion you can list your URL or 800 number in the newsletter (up to a maximum of 70 text characters).
* Visit Imaging Resource at *
Please contact us for availability.
The newsletter is available for syndication to your customer list. Please contact us to discuss your needs.
Imaging Resource Digital Photography Newsletter is published on Fridays. The HTML version appears on the Web site after 6 p.m. Pacific time and the RSS feed is immediately updated. The email version is sent around 9 p.m., taking between two to three hours to reach all our readers.
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1st Qtr | 2nd Qtr | 3rd Qtr | 4th Qtr |
Jan. 11 | Apr. 5 | Jul. 12 | Oct. 4 |
Jan. 25 | Apr. 19 | Jul. 26 | Oct. 18 |
Feb. 8 | May. 3 | Aug. 9 | Nov. 1 |
Feb. 22 | May. 17 | Aug. 23 | Nov. 15 |
Mar. 8 | May. 31 | Sep. 6 | Nov. 29 |
Mar. 22 | Jun. 14 | Sep. 20 | Dec. 13 |
Jun. 28 | Dec. 27 |
What Our Readers Are Saying ... Thank you for taking the time to create such a comprehensive source of information on digital cameras and their use. I love your site. It has a lot of good hints and tips for a beginning digital fan like me. I'm usually so critical, but I find I must give you high marks on everything. The Digital Photography Newsletter is chock full of great news, reviews, and columns, and your Web site is snappy, organized, and cleanly attractive. You did a really GOOD JOB! WOW!!! I subscribe to several newsletters, and I find your Digital Photography Newsletter to be consistently well written and interesting in and of itself, without having to jump to the Web site. Well done! Your Web site and newsletter are astoundingly useful as well as literate and even entertaining. Thank you. I think your Web site is the most useful of all the digital photography Web sites. Your advice worked! My camera is working fine now. Thank you very much. As I gain wisdom and knowledge in this digital world, I am better able to appreciate your newsletters and enjoy rereading them. Congratulations on your newsletter. While it contains much information of really advanced level, it is written in English, or American, rather than "nerdtec," a language many of us ordinary folks do not comprehend. Even the "nerdtec" vocabulary ignores the fact that most humans are just ordinary folks without the specialized narrow focus of technicians who speak nerdtec. Thanks for addressing your newsletter language to all of us in your audience. After reading your article about histograms I now have a better understanding of what histograms do and how to use them. Congratulations to whomever wrote it on a job well done. What an incredibly informative issue. I am referring to the "magic" numbers you included for emailing pics to others. Thank you. Having done newsletters for my own organization, and never being entirely sure if anyone was reading or enjoying them, I just wanted to drop you a line and let you know that there ARE people out here in web-land that DO read and appreciate your newsletter!! This is a terrific newsletter and an excellent resource for those of us who are new to digital photography. I have read your second issue at least three times, and each time I was able to glean out pieces of information that escaped me previously. Investigating your site and learning from it makes me feel like I am learning something. Just a quick note to say thanks for a damned fine site. Surely someone has made a mistake? :) |