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Multi Review
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Original Review Date: May 6, 1999 |
High-end "personal", inexpensive "professional" film scanner | |
Scans 35mm, medium-format, APS, and 16mm! | |
2820 dpi resolution (32.5 meg file from 35mm neg!), 1128 dpi for medium-format scans | |
12 bits per channel, 3.6 Dmax specification | |
Software accommodates beginners AND experts | |
Optional APS adapter |
Minolta is a company with long experience in the world of film,
and extensive digital expertise that has so far been applied in
the areas of office electronics and imaging (copiers & printers).
Recently though, they've been making waves in the digital camera
and scanner markets, with their highly capable (and expandable!)
Dimage EX 1500 Zoom digital camera, and a whole line of film scanners
covering everything from APS to 35mm, to medium-format photography.
The aptly-named Dimage Scan Multi is the second of Minolta's scanners
we've reviewed, and it offers a unique set of capabilities for
the professional photographer.
The Minolta Dimage Scan Multi film scanner is more capable than
some of the "personal" film scanners we've reviewed
in the past, positioned at the upper end of the "enthusiast"
market, but at the low end of the professional market, with a
list price as of this writing of $2,499. With its capability to
produce high-resolution scans from film sizes ranging from 16mm
all the way to 6x9 cm, it is the first effective scanning solution
for mid-format photographers for under $3,000. We see the Dimage
Scan Multi fitting the needs of users ranging from well-heeled
photo enthusiasts, to businesses and professional photographers
looking for top performance on a budget. In support of this market,
we found the Dimage software did a particularly good job of providing
the power demanded by pros, while remaining very approachable
for the amateur.
"High Points" Overview
The Basics
The Dimage Scan Multi is a desktop device about the size of a
shoebox. It measures 7.9 x 16.1 x 4.9 inches (200 x 410 x 124
mm), and weighs about 13.3 pounds (6 kg). Interface to the host
computer is via a high-speed SCSI-2 interface, meaning you'll
need to have such a port installed in your computer to use it.
(Older Macs typically came equipped with SCSI connections: On
the new Blue G3 Macs and Windows machines, you'll need to have
an interface card installed. Appropriate cards range from $100
to $300 in price, and one package sold by Minolta includes an
Adaptec AHA-2910 card.) The manual lists a number of Adaptec SCSI
cards from the 1500 and 2900 series that are suitable. The only
restriction seems to be that the 1500-series boards don't work
with NEC PC98xx computers.) The standard unit can scan negatives
or slides, in either black and white or color, in any of 7 different
film formats (counting 6x4.5, 6x7, and other medium-format sizes
as separate formats). An optional APS adapter is available for
scanning that format, and a bulk-feeder can handle up to 50 35mm
slides at a time.
The software CD shipped with the unit supports both Mac and Windows
platforms. Standalone scanning applications are provided for both
platforms, as well as a Photoshop acquire plug-in for the Mac,
and TWAIN drivers for the PC. (NOTE: Minolta specifies that the
scanner requires either Windows '95 release 2 (OSR2), or Windows
'98. If you're running Windows '95, be sure to check the revision
level you have installed.)
Scanning resolution can be as high as 2820 dpi (a 2700-element
CCD covering the width of a 35mm slide or negative). This produces
maximum image sizes of 2688x4032 pixels for 35mm (32.5 megabytes),
or 1920x3328 for APS (19.2 megabytes). For medium-format film,
the optics are reconfigured, to stretch the same 2700-element
CCD across the 6cm width of the film. Maximum resolution on a
6x9 cm transparency is 2496x3712, producing a 27.7 megabyte file.
A note about scanner resolution, as compared to that of digital
cameras: The 10.8 megapixel resolution of the Dimage Scan Multi
is even higher than you might expect, when compared to the resolution
of a digital camera. Because the scanner's CCD samples each pixel
in all three red, green, and blue color channels, it's really
equivalent to a digital camera with a 32 megapixel sensor and
"striped" color filters. Thus, the first thing most
people notice about images scanned from negatives and slides is
the extraordinary level of detail captured. That said, the Dimage
Scan Multi's scan resolution of 2820 dpi is at the top of the
range for 35mm desktop scanners. It's resolution in medium-format
mode is less than some of the competition in that marketplace,
but you'll pay more than twice as much for competing higher-resolution
Another important scanning parameter is "bit depth,"
a measure of both color accuracy and the maximum density range
the scanner can recognize. (8 bits per channel is good, 10 better,
and 12 the best you'll commonly find in desktop scanners.) The
Dimage Scan Multi captures a full 12 bits per pixel.
Scanner Optics & Light Path
Film scanners tend to take one of two approaches in their optical
design, providing either fixed or adjustable focus internal lenses.
Given the extreme resolution of most film scanners, we're surprised
that the lenses can be designed with enough depth of field to
insure sharp focus in the face of minor variations in the film
plane position. We're surprised, but the fixed-focus approach
does seem to work, as evidenced by the performance of the Minolta's
Dimage Scan Speed. The Dimage Scan Multi, by contrast, goes the
adjustable-focus route, offering both automatic and manual focusing
options. In its default operating mode, the scanner autofocuses
before each scan, increasing the scan time, but insuring that
the resulting images are sharp.
Normally, the scanner's autofocus system looks at the center of
the frame to perform its focus adjustments. Alternatively, you
can specify what part of the film you want it to adjust for, or
what part of the film you want to manually adjust the focus based
on. These are useful features, in that we've sometimes seen scanner
autofocus systems outfoxed by low-contrast, or poorly-focused
originals. Also, in the case of severely curled film, you may
opt for sharp focus in one part of the frame, at the cost of poorer
focus elsewhere. The Dimage Scan multi accommodates such situations
with the aforementioned option of specifying the point of focus.
Optimum focus can be quite time-consuming to determine on a film
scanner, particularly if you have to perform a full scan in between
adjustments, to evaluate the results of your tweaking. The Dimage
Scan Multi uses a "live feedback" system that we've
found very successful on other scanners in the past: A small thermometer-style
bargraph display provides a "goodness of focus" indicator,
updated constantly as you run the focus control back and forth.
A small line on the bargraph display marks the best focus obtained,
so you can easily tell when you've passed the point of optimum
sharpness. In practice, we never had to resort to manual focus
for any of our test scans, but the feedback provided by the Dimage
Scan Multi's software made manual focusing very fast and easy
when we tried it.
In common with the Dimage Scan Speed, the Dimage Scan Multi uses
a special fluorescent light source, producing strong spectral
peaks in the red, green, and blue portions of the spectrum. We
observed that this diffuse illumination source produced somewhat
"softer" scans than some other scanners. The resulting
scans had less of a razors-edge on fine detail, but were also
much more forgiving of film defects and film grain. A good analogy
(for those old darkroom aficionados out there) would be the difference
between condenser and diffusion enlargers: The condenser optics
tend to produce more contrasty images, but at the cost of greatly
enhanced film grain, while diffusion enlargers create a softer
look. Note in this though, that while the scans produced by the
Dimage Scan Multi have a somewhat "softer" appearance
to them, they in fact appear to carry a very high level of detail,
as evidenced by the results from our WG-18 (ISO-12233) resolution
target scans.
Film Handling
The Dimage Scan Multi uses plastic slide- and filmstrip-holders
to carry the film to the scanner. (Glass and plastic, in the case
of the medium-format holder.) You first place the media to be
scanned into a holder, then insert the holder into the scanner.
When you insert a holder into the scanner, it slides easily until
it reaches a click-detent. Once it's been inserted to the detent,
the transport mechanism pulls it into the scanner body, and moves
it back and forth over the fixed CCD sensor to execute the scans..
During scanning, the holder and film is moved past a fixed CCD
The filmstrip holder can accommodate strips of 35mm film up to
six frames in length, and the slide holder up to four slides.
The medium-format holder can accept strips of film several frames
long (depending on the specific format chosen), but only a single
frame may be scanned without repositioning the film.
We found both all three holders (slide, film, and medium format)
to be quite effective and easy to use. The film adapter is hinged,
but only to the extent that a plate flips up to expose the side
slot into which the film is laid. (Unlike many "clamshell"
designs, the slot holding the film is a fixed structure.) The
back pressure plate then hinges back down and latches, clamping
the film flat. This arrangement did a particularly good job of
handling curled or damaged film, regardless of whether the film
was curled side-to-side, or along its length. We did find it a
little awkward to properly align film that was badly curved along
its length though, unless we were willing to touch the film's
surface to push it flat while we closed the pressure plate. (This
isn't recommended procedure, but a set of soft cotton gloves would
eliminate some of the risk associated with it.) We did find one
useful technique for making fine alignment adjustments along the
length of the film: Holding the film carrier with the clamshell
very slightly open, we could jog the film forward or back by rapping
the end of the holder gently with a finger or on a padded chair
arm. (We don't recommend doing this on a hard surface such as
a table top: The plastic seems pretty rugged, but there's no sense
tempting fate!) The film-holding slot is about a half-millimeter
wider than the film itself, doing a good job of constraining the
film position, yet still allowing minor adjustments to be made
for fine alignment relative to the limits of the scanning area.
We did find that the filmstrip holder crops the 35mm frame very
slightly, about 3% in both vertical and horizontal directions
by our reckoning. (For some reason, this appears to be a common
characteristic of film-scanner filmstrip holders.)
The slide holder is also constructed of plastic, again in a clamshell
design. Four recesses are provided in the base to lay the slides
into, while the top pressure plate has plastic spring-fingers
to apply pressure on the slide mounts, while accommodating a range
of slide-mount thicknesses. Depending on your mount (outside dimensions
vary slightly), you should have enough space to correct for minor
alignment errors between the film and the mount itself, by rotating
the slide slightly in the holder assembly. (One or two degrees
would be the maximum, but in our experience, this is enough to
accommodate the normal range of variation to be found in commercially-processed
The medium-format holder is a more complex assembly, with anti-Newton
coated glass on either side to hold the larger expanse of film
flat. This holder is also unique, in providing an explicit means
of rotating the film: By releasing a thumbwheel clamp on one end
of the holder, the entire clamshell unit can be rotated by about
+/- 5 degrees relative to the body of the holder itself. Although
we didn't have occasion to use this feature for any of our test
images, we feel it's a useful and very worthwhile feature: Even
a degree or two of rotation in an image can be glaringly apparent,
but it takes a lot of computer power to rotate maximum-resolution
images after they're scanned. - Much better to rotate and align
things properly before the scan is made!
The Dimage Scan Multi can accommodate frame sizes up to 6x9 cm,
which poses a bit of a problem when scanning smaller medium-format
frames: In general, to maintain maximum contrast and shadow detail,
it's important for a scanner to minimize the amount of excess
light bouncing around its interior. Thus, while the Dimage Scan
Multi needs a 6x9 cm film holder frame to accommodate its largest
film format, this could produce excessive light "flare"
when scanning smaller formats, such as 6x4.5. Minolta has dealt
with this issue, by providing several thin "masks",
made of black plastic with a matte finish, for use with various
film sizes. These align over two small pins at the edges of the
holder, and serve to mask-off the non-image areas of various formats,
minimizing the amount of excess light bouncing around inside the
scanning cavity. We discovered though, that the masks also serve
another purpose, that of minimizing the problem of so-called "Newton's
Newton's Rings are caused by the interference of light waves when
passing between different media in very close proximity to each
other. In the context of scanners, whenever film is pressed firmly
against a smooth glass surface, Newton's Rings appear as rainbow-colored
rings and wavy lines. So-called anti-newton coatings on the glass
can minimize the effect, by presenting a rougher surface to the
film, but they are far from an absolute remedy. In the case of
the Dimage Scan Multi, we initially tried scanning our 6x7 cm
medium-format test film without using the framing masks. (Our
reasoning was that we didn't really need them, because the entire
image area was filled with film, and hence there shouldn't be
any problem with light flare.) We discovered though, that loading
film directly into the medium-format film holder without using
the framing masks produced fairly severe Newton's rings: When
we used the masks, the Newton's rings completely disappeared.
Our theory on this is that the framing masks support the glass
faces of the clamshell outside the edges of the film frame, relieving
pressure over the active area of the film. This pressure reduction
allows the anti-newton coating to do its job, and Newton's Rings
are all but invisible when the masks are used.
In addition to the medium-format masks provided with the scanner,
two additional masks are included, which provide for scanning
sleeved 16mm and APS film. These special masks contain an alignment
track outside the clamshell area that positions the film, and
a standard (albeit smaller) mask window to define the scanning
area. Even though the medium-format adapter is used to hold these
formats in the scanner, the software configures the scanner's
lens system for maximum-resolution operation when working with
these film sizes. (This results in resolutions of 1920 x 3328
pixels for APS film, and 1444 x 2166 pixels for 16mm.)
System Interface and Included Software
(Much of the following is identical to our writeup for the Dimage
Scan Speed (LINK), since Minolta uses the same scanning software
across its full line of film scanners. The only substantive difference
is that the Dimage Scan Multi software provides options to control
the scanner's focusing mechanism, whereas the Dimage Scan Speed
uses a fixed-focus optical design. (If you've already read the
Dimage Scan Speed review, click here
to skip the following section.)
The Dimage Scan Multi uses a SCSI-2 connection to the host computer,
providing the high speed data transfer necessary to handle the
large amounts of data the scanner can generate. As mentioned previously,
one model of the Dimage Scan Multi includes a PCI-bus SCSI card,
and Minolta lists several models of Adaptec cards that the unit
can be used with. (Adaptec is pretty much the standard for SCSI
cards: You can find cheaper ones, but the Adaptec models are more
likely to be compatible with a wide range of equipment. Note in
particular, that some scanners, CD-ROM drives, and other equipment
ships with low-cost SCSI cards included. In many cases, these
are "dedicated" cards, that will only run the particular
device they're shipped with. If you're buying a card to support
the Dimage Scan Multi, take our advice and get a "name brand"
Adaptec unit. The hassle you'll save will be more than worth it!)
Once connected to the computer, the Dimage Scan Multi is controlled
through an excellent software interface that we'll describe in
greater detail below. As noted earlier, the scanner-control software
takes the form of standalone applications on both the Mac and
PC, as well as a Photoshop plug-in on the Mac, and a TWAIN component
on the PC. A particular strength of the Dimage software is the
extent to which it provides powerful controls for experienced
users, while at the same time offering a simple interface for
Unlike its "little brother," the Dimage Scan Speed,
the Dimage Scan Multi software package doesn't include Photoshop
LE. The rationale for this is that purchasers of a higher-end
scanner like the 'Multi very likely already own a professional
image-editing program, making a lower-end package like Photoshop
LE superfluous. (For what it's worth, we agree with this assessment.)
Speeds and Feeds
Oh boy, did we mess up on this one! Due to an unusually high level
of pending review work, we ran up against the time limit for the
loan of the Dimage Scan Multi demo unit. As we hurriedly completed
our testing and shipped it back to Minolta, we had a nagging feeling
that something was missing. It was -- the detailed speed timings!
Because scanner manufacturers tend to be so optimistic in their
assessment of scan times, we've taken to carefully measuring how
long a real scan takes to complete. (We don't doubt that most
manufacturers actually do measure some scans at the times they
publish, but they're almost certainly low-resolution scans, and
generally include only the actual scanning time itself, neglecting
the necessary overhead for autofocus, exposure adjustment, and
other pre-scan operations.)
Although we didn't explicitly measure the Dimage Scan Multi's
scanning speed, we can report that it is about as fast as any
other film scanners we've tested: Its overall operation is very
similar to that of the Dimage Scan Speed, which we reviewed earlier,
and our sense was that the scanning speed is about equivalent
as well. (Click HERE to see the Dimage Scan Speed review.) In
the overall scanning process, the Dimage Scan Multi is slightly
slower though, since a few seconds are needed before each scan
for the autofocus operation. (As noted earlier, the Dimage Scan
Speed is a fixed-focus scanner, while the 'Multi employs focusing
optics.) We'd guess that each focus operation takes 10-15 seconds
or so, not an onerous delay.
Operation and User Interface
Other than the actual scans themselves, most of the story to be
told about a film scanner has to do with the software that drives
it, and to what extent the combination of hardware and software
makes it easy to produce good-quality scans. Accordingly, we'll
devote a sizeable of this review to talking about the software
that drives Minolta's Dimage family of scanners, and the Dimage
Scan Multi in particular.
As noted several times already, we feel that Minolta has done
a good job of balancing capability with ease-of-use. This is a
difficult equation to optimize, as the needs of "beginners"
and "experts" can vary so widely. At the same time,
you hope to provide a smooth gradation of capability, not introducing
any abrupt hurdles to overcome as users advance in their sophistication.
Minolta has accomplished this difficult design goal by providing
very basic visually-oriented contrast/brightness adjustments for
neophytes, while at the same time offering fairly sophisticated
histogram- and tone curve-based controls for those comfortable
with more complex adjustments, and who need the control they provide.
As we write this, we're still searching for our "formula"
that works best for scanner reviews, but are generally settling
on a format in which we step through the scanner controls in the
approximate order that a user would encounter them. (For a more
complete walk-through of scanner operation, check out Minolta's
excellent web site for their scanners: They've put together
a remarkably comprehensive "on-line demo" of how the
software works.)
The Preview Screen and Command Window
The most basic options and functions of the Dimage Scan Multi
scanner are controlled via the Command window, shown below. The
Command window contains two list boxes, two status displays, and
a total of ten buttons, which we describe below, moving from left
to right, top to bottom in the screen shot: (NOTE: This and
all screen shots following have been scaled-down to better fit
the 'web page -- The actual screens are larger and much more readable!)
Preferences Window
The preferences window (not shown) controls a number of overall settings governing
scanner operation. Most people will rarely need to visit this
screen, as the default settings will suffice for many applications.
About the only control you're likely to need to change with any
regularity is the one for Color Depth, and even then, the non-default
settings are likely to be useful to only a small cadre of advanced
users. Herewith the Preferences functions:
APS Settings - not having had the APS attachment to play with, we didn't have an opportunity to experiment with these, and the main manual offered no description. Below are our "best guesses" as to what they do:
Prescan Window
This window (shown below) is "home base" for the scanning
process. From here, you'll launch off into other functions within
the software, to adjust color balance, contrast, or tonal range.
Controls here also adjust preview orientation, data readout, and
exposure parameters for sequential scans. See the text following
the screen shot for a description of the individual buttons and
Here are the Prescan Window controls, reading from left to right
and top to bottom, for all the buttons down the left-hand side
of the screen:
Orientation and Viewing Controls
Image Adjustment Controls
(Buttons in this group take you to other screens, to adjust the
scan settings.)
Readouts/Information Displays
At the bottom left-hand corner of the Prescan window, there are
two sets of readouts, one showing the dimensions of the current
cropping frame (in mm), and the other the RGB (or CMY) values
of the point under the cursor in the preview window.
Variations Adjustments
It's often difficult for novices to decide what to do to an image
to make it look better. More contrast? Less brightness? A little
of both? Frequently, after playing with an image for a few minutes,
you end up with something that looks worse than when you started!
Yet, even the rankest amateur can generally tell whether picture
"A" looks better than picture "B". Taking
advantage of this, Minolta offers a "Variations" tool,
as shown in the screen shot below. Here, the current contents
of your cropping frame are displayed in the center of a matrix
of images, with those around the edges of it representing the
effects of more or less contrast or brightness. (Contrast variations
run vertically, brightness variations horizontally.) If you decide
you like one of the variations presented more than the current
image, just click on it: It becomes the new reference sample,
and the variations adjust to reflect changes relative to the new
center image. By continuing to click on the image that you like
best, you can quickly home in on the optimum brightness/contrast
After you've set the contrast and brightness, you can then
correct the overall color balance of the image, by adjusting the
R, G, and B slider controls at upper left. Always wait to adjust
the color until after you've made the brightness & contrast
changes though, as you'll frequently find that perceived color
problems diminish once the brightness and contrast are properly
The "Variations" screen also has a button that enlarges
the current selection to full-screen size, making it easier to
assess the current picture quality. We felt that this feature
was marred slightly by the fact that the enlarged image is only
a pixel-replicated copy of the original area, which can lead to
rather pixelated images if your cropping frame is small relative
to the overall film area.
Histogram Adjustments
As we noted earlier, Histogram adjustments are by far our preferred
method for quickly correcting tone and color problems in digital
images! For those not familiar with histograms though, a brief
explanation would probably be in order.
A histogram is simply a graph of how many pixels in an image have
each possible brightness value. A large peak on a histogram graph
means there's a lot of pixels (a large area) with roughly the
same brightness values. Likewise, if the histogram curve is near
zero, it means relatively few pixels have those brightness values.
To understand how this helps image adjustment, we've included
a couple of sample images at right, showing two images set up
with different brightness and contrast settings, and the histograms
associated with each.
Dull, flat image has a compressed histogram, with no information above the midtone level in any channel. |
In the first sample, we have a rather low-contrast, dark image. Low contrast means that there's not a great deal of difference in the brightness values between the brightest and darkest pixels. "Dark" means that the bulk of the pixels in the image have fairly low brightness values. In the histogram curves for this image, note how the right-hand side of the curves (high brightness values) are flat, because there aren't any pixels with those brightness values. Also, note how the histogram curves occupy a fairly small amount of the horizontal space allotted to them.
Well-balanced image shows full range of tonal values in histogram, in all channels. |
By contrast (no pun intended!), observe the image above: Contrast
and brightness are about right, and the results are readily evident
in the histogram curves for it. Notice how the curves occupy much
more of the available horizontal space, meaning that pixel values
are spread much more evenly across the available tonal range.
Notice too, how you can even tell about color balance from histogram
displays. Notice the large "hump" near the middle of
each curve? What object in the image do you suppose this large
group of pixel values corresponds to? (It's the background.) Now,
if we want the background to be a neutral gray, what do you suppose
the display would look like. (The peaks in red, green, and blue
would all line up with each other, meaning that the average R,
G, and B values would be about the same.) Can you guess how the
color balance needs to be adjusted to achieve this?
Notice the sliders under the individual histogram curves. These
are used to set the brightness values the scanner will consider
to be the minimum (black), maximum (white), and a middle value
(gray), for each of the color channels. If you move the "black"
slider up from the leftmost position, you're telling the scanner
to treat that value as "zero" for the color channel
involved. Any values darker than that will also be treated as
zero, and values brighter than it will be proportionately stretched
downward so that the brightness values will extend smoothly down
to zero. Likewise, the "white" slider on the right sets
the value that will be considered as a maximum, and mapped to
a digital value of 255. Anything brighter will also be set to
255, and darker values will be "stretched" smoothly.
The middle slider sets the value that the scanner will put in
the middle of the brightness scale (the "50%" point).
Anything brighter than the level set by the slider will be made
brighter than 50%, anything darker will be made darker. Thus,
to lighten the image overall, you'd move this slider to the left,
so that more of the brightness values would be pushed above the
50% point. (This all sounds more complicated than it is: You'll
figure out what the sliders do after just a couple of minutes
of playing around.)
The histogram screen includes "before" and "after"
previews, and a number of controls for adjusting the image. At
middle left are three of the most immediately useful tools, the
eyedroppers for setting white, black, and gray points. If you
select the black eyedropper button, and then click on a point
in the left-hand preview window, that point will be set as the
"black" point, and the individual red, green, and blue
black-point sliders will all adjust automatically to make it so.
Likewise, selecting the white eyedropper button and clicking in
the left-hand preview window will set that point as the "white"
point, moving the red, green, and blue white-point sliders as
needed. (Anyone want to guess what the gray eyedropper button
does?) In practice, you'll find that the eyedropper controls offer
a very quick way to color-balance many problem images in a matter
of seconds.
Part of the beauty of the Dimage Scan's histogram screen is
the way it shows histograms for all three color channels separately,
yet also allows you to operate on all the channels at the same
time, if you wish. By default, you can adjust any of the slider
controls independently of any other. What if you want to make
an overall adjustment to the image as a whole, though? In the
lower left-hand corner, the button with the three colored bands
on it is the "RGB synchro button." Clicking this button
locks the sliders for the red, green, and blue histograms together,
so that moving any one of them moves the sliders for the other
two colors the same amount.
The other control buttons in the lower left-hand corner let you
see the effects of your adjustments on the histogram, as well
as save and retrieve complete sets of adjustments once created.
This last ability is a particularly welcome one, as many lower-end
scanners don't permit you to save adjustments for later use. Often,
we find ourselves wanting to save a group of settings before engaging
in further experimentation, so we have a known good point to return
to if our twiddling goes awry. Also, you may have a group of photos
shot under similar conditions that would all benefit from the
same treatment.
One odd point about saved and subsequently recalled histogram
corrections though: When the DSM Scan software applies a previously
saved correction to an image, it does so on top of whatever
correction may currently be in effect. Thus, the effects of recalled
corrections are cumulative with any you've already applied.
If you want to return to a prior state, you'll need to reset all
corrections (using the Reset button) before applying the saved
settings. (This isn't any sort of a problem, but was different
than how we expected the saved settings to work. We're passing
the information along here to hopefully save our readers a few
minutes of puzzlement when they encounter the behavior for the
first time.)
A full treatment of histogram-based tonal adjustments is far beyond
the scope of this review, but we encourage users to spend some
time playing with the controls on this screen: They're simple
to master, but quite powerful to use.
Tone Curve Adjustments
The tone curves window (shown below) offers a set of controls
that are at once easier to understand than those of the histogram
display, yet considerably less straightforward to apply effectively.
Even here though, minor tweaks by Minolta contribute greatly to
In concept, tone curve controls are as simple as can be: They're
nothing more than a graph of output brightness values against
input brightness values. Essentially, they say "whenever
you see brightness 'x', replace it with brightness 'y'. The input
brightness values (those of your original image) are arranged
along the horizontal axis of the graph, and the output values
(those your image will come to assume) are arranged along the
vertical axis. Again, the easiest way to understand how a tone
curve works is to play with one. A little experimenting will reveal
that a steeply sloping curve produces high contrast, while a flatter
one produces less. Likewise, a curve bulging upward results in
a brighter image overall, and one drooping downward makes for
a darker one. The Dimage Scan software lets you adjust either
the overall RGB curve, or each of the color channels (red, green,
and blue) individually.
Tone curve controls let you adjust parts of the tonal scale,
without affecting others. As such, they're more powerful than
the histogram controls, but you have less feedback as to what
parts of the image you're affecting, and it's much easier to get
lost in your adjustments with them. Experienced graphics professionals
rely on tone-curve adjustments almost exclusively though, because
they provide such a high degree of control over the tone and color
balance of images.
The tone curve controls in the Dimage Scan software work like
those of most any high-end image editing program: You can click
any point on the curve and drag it, and the rest of the curve
will bend smoothly to pass through the point you've defined. You
can set multiple control points by clicking on more than one part
of the curve. You also have the ability to draw your own curve,
using a pencil tool, allowing you to create abrupt discontinuities
if desired. Minolta added a unique twist to the tone curves though,
in the form of white and black-point eyedropper controls, which
work in the same way as the equivalent controls on the histogram
screen. While a seemingly minor point, the eyedroppers can quickly
make gross adjustments in the overall tone and color balance,
and provide a good jumping-off point for your own finer adjustments.
Test Results
As always with Imaging Resource reviews, we encourage you to let
your own eyes be the final judge: Look at the sample
images, download them, print them out on your own printer,
and decide for yourself how well the Dimage Scan Multi would meet
your requirements!
Overall, the Dimage Scan Multi turned in a very competent performance,
easily besting the current crop of "consumer" film scanners
in most areas. (As you'd expect from a scanner selling for nearly
$2,500, vs as little as $300 for the low-end devices.) Particularly
in contrast to the digital cameras that constitute the other major
review focus of this site, readers are sure to be impressed with
the incredible amounts of detail a scanner like the Dimage Scan
Multi can extract from a slide or negative.
We found that the Dimage Scan Multi produced very good scans with
the default settings, and excellent ones with only minor tweaking
of the scan controls. Behavior overall was very reminiscent of
its "little brother," the Dimage Scan Speed: On the
PC, the default settings tended to produce slide scans that were
slightly dark, but a minor bump of the midtone point using the
histogram control would quickly bring the overall tone into a
reasonable range. By comparison, scans of color negatives were
a bit light, but a minor drop of the midtone point tended to quickly
compensate. Color balance overall was quite good, although by
default, the scanner seemed to like to add a bit of magenta to
things (red and blue together). We suspect this might be an attempt
to compensate for typical computer monitors, which tend to have
a very bluish white-point, frequently as high as 9300K. Again,
it wasn't too difficult to compensate for this tendency, and the
ability to save and recall sets of tone and color corrections
was a valuable feature. Overall color accuracy was excellent,
with color saturation just a notch away from the best we've seen
to date (May, 1999). On the Mac, the scanner's default settings
produced lighter scans, requiring less adjustment. (This is doubtless
due to differences in the standard CRT gamma settings on the Mac
vs PC.)
Resolution of the Dimage Scan Multi was excellent, but hard to
"call" based on our standard test targets. The reason
for this is that an unusually low level of "aliasing"
had us convinced we could easily see at least some detail in the
WG-18 target all the way out to 1800 lines per picture height
(l/ph) in both horizontal and vertical directions. Conservatively
stated, the scanner clearly resolves the target out to 1400 l/ph,
and a good bit beyond. With our 6x7 test film, we found resolution
was slightly less: Still very clean at 1400 l/ph, but falling
off somewhat more rapidly as higher frequencies were approached.
The USAF resolution target gave (as usual) more conservative resolution
figures, with the scanner resolving fairly cleanly down to 35.9
line pairs/mm (912 line pairs/inch), and with increasing aliasing
below that level. Curiously, the target element at 57 lp/mm (1448
lp/inch) came out remarkably clean, although we suspect that this
was just a coincidence due to the lucky alignment between target
elements and scanner pixel positions. With natural subjects, the
scanner's fluorescent light source produced a somewhat softer,
less grainy look than some other units we've tested, although
there seemed to be no loss of detail information in the scans
associated with this softer "look".
See for Yourself!
Take a look at the test images from the
Dimage Scan Multi, download them, print them out, and
see if this scanner meets your needs!
In the Dimage Scan Multi, Minolta has crafted a combination of
capabilities and software features into a unit that produces good
image quality with a minimum of tweaking. Even better, when it
does come time to manipulate color and tone, the software controls
provide a full range of capabilities, satisfying users ranging
from rank amateur to experienced color professional. The biggest
news with it though, is undoubtedly its ability to produce high-quality
scans from medium-format transparencies and negatives, at a very
affordable price. For professionals and serious amateurs working
with medium-format film, the Dimage Scan Multi opens the possibility
of in-house scanning at an unprecedented price point.
Reader Comments!
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Imaging Resource readers have had to say about the Dimage Scan Multi,
or add comments of your own. (Do you have a Dimage Scan Multi? Share your experience!)
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