Imaging Resource Exif Report

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Exif parsing courtesy of Phil Harvey's ExifTool.

  F I L E
FileSize 5.1 MB
FileModifyDate 2009:05:01 08:58:24-04:00
FileType JPEG
MIMEType image/jpeg
ExifByteOrder Little-endian (Intel, II)
ImageWidth 4752
ImageHeight 3168
EncodingProcess Baseline DCT, Huffman coding
BitsPerSample 8
ColorComponents 3
YCbCrSubSampling YCbCr4:2:2 (2 1)
  E X I F
Make Canon
Model Canon EOS REBEL T1i
Orientation Horizontal (normal)
XResolution 72
YResolution 72
ResolutionUnit inches
ModifyDate 2009:05:01 08:58:24
YCbCrPositioning Co-sited
ExposureTime 0.3
FNumber 4.0
ExposureProgram Aperture-priority AE
ISO 100
ExifVersion 0221
DateTimeOriginal 2009:05:01 08:58:24
CreateDate 2009:05:01 08:58:24
ComponentsConfiguration Y, Cb, Cr, -
ShutterSpeedValue 0.3
ApertureValue 4.0
Flash Off, Did not fire
FocalLength 70.0 mm
SubSecTime 38
SubSecTimeOriginal 38
SubSecTimeDigitized 38
FlashpixVersion 0100
ColorSpace sRGB
ExifImageWidth 4752
ExifImageHeight 3168
InteropIndex R98 - DCF basic file (sRGB)
InteropVersion 0100
FocalPlaneXResolution 5315.436242
FocalPlaneYResolution 5342.32715
FocalPlaneResolutionUnit inches
CustomRendered Normal
ExposureMode Auto
SceneCaptureType Standard
Compression JPEG (old-style)
ThumbnailOffset 10328
ThumbnailLength 17608
  M A K E R N O T E S
MacroMode Normal
SelfTimer 2 s
Quality Fine
CanonFlashMode Off
ContinuousDrive Single
FocusMode One-shot AF
RecordMode JPEG
CanonImageSize Large
EasyMode Manual
DigitalZoom None
Contrast Normal
Saturation Normal
MeteringMode Evaluative
FocusRange Not Known
CanonExposureMode Aperture-priority AE
LensType Sigma 70mm F2.8 EX DG Macro
LongFocal 70 mm
ShortFocal 70 mm
FocalUnits 1/mm
MaxAperture 2.8
MinAperture 23
FlashActivity 0
FlashBits (none)
ZoomSourceWidth 0
ZoomTargetWidth 0
ManualFlashOutput n/a
ColorTone Normal
FocalPlaneXSize 1615.47 mm
FocalPlaneYSize 438.68 mm
AutoISO 100
BaseISO 100
MeasuredEV 6.00
TargetAperture 4
TargetExposureTime 0.3
ExposureCompensation +1/3
SlowShutter None
SequenceNumber 0
OpticalZoomCode n/a
FlashGuideNumber 0
FlashExposureComp 0
AutoExposureBracketing Off
AEBBracketValue 0
ControlMode Camera Local Control
MeasuredEV2 5.875
BulbDuration 0
CameraType EOS High-end
NDFilter Unknown (-1)
CanonImageType Canon EOS REBEL T1i
CanonFirmwareVersion Firmware Version 1.0.9
SerialNumber 0220100035
CameraTemperature 31 C
CameraOrientation Horizontal (normal)
FocusDistanceUpper 2.81
FocusDistanceLower 2.13
WhiteBalance Auto
FirmwareVersion 1.0.9
FileIndex 221
DirectoryIndex 100
CanonModelID EOS Rebel T1i / 500D / Kiss X3
ThumbnailImageValidArea 0 159 7 112
SerialNumberFormat Format 2
AFMode Single-point AF
NumAFPoints 9
ValidAFPoints 9
CanonImageWidth 4752
CanonImageHeight 3168
AFImageWidth 4272
AFImageHeight 2848
AFAreaWidths 115 115 115 162 200 162 115 115 115
AFAreaHeights 153 153 153 105 199 105 153 153 153
AFAreaXPositions -1127 -674 -674 0 0 0 674 674 1127
AFAreaYPositions 0 321 -321 603 0 -603 321 -321 0
AFPointsInFocus 4
AFPointsSelected 8
OriginalDecisionDataOffset 0
BracketMode Off
BracketValue 0
BracketShotNumber 0
RawJpgSize Large
WBBracketMode Off
WBBracketValueAB 0
WBBracketValueGM 0
LiveViewShooting Off
FlashExposureLock Off
LensModel Sigma 70mm F2.8 EX DG Macro
InternalSerialNumber Q000809604090228
DustRemovalData SCALAR(0xadb7c90)
ExposureLevelIncrements 1/3 Stop
ISOExpansion On
FlashSyncSpeedAv 1/200-1/60 Auto
LongExposureNoiseReduction Off
HighISONoiseReduction Standard
HighlightTonePriority Disable
AutoLightingOptimizer Standard
AFAssistBeam Emits
MirrorLockup Disable
Shutter-AELock AF/AE lock
SetButtonWhenShooting Quick control screen
LCDDisplayAtPowerOn Display
AddOriginalDecisionData Off
ToneCurve Standard
Sharpness 3
SharpnessFrequency n/a
SensorRedLevel 0
SensorBlueLevel 0
WhiteBalanceRed 0
WhiteBalanceBlue 0
ColorTemperature 5200
PictureStyle Standard
DigitalGain 0
WBShiftAB 0
WBShiftGM 0
MeasuredRGGB 791 1024 1024 467
VRDOffset 0
SensorWidth 4832
SensorHeight 3204
SensorLeftBorder 72
SensorTopBorder 31
SensorRightBorder 4823
SensorBottomBorder 3198
BlackMaskLeftBorder 0
BlackMaskTopBorder 0
BlackMaskRightBorder 0
BlackMaskBottomBorder 0
ColorDataVersion 7 (500D/7D)
WB_RGGBLevelsAsShot 1891 1124 1124 2113
ColorTempAsShot 3595
WB_RGGBLevelsAuto 1891 1124 1124 2113
ColorTempAuto 3595
WB_RGGBLevelsMeasured 1475 1131 1116 2663
ColorTempMeasured 2675
WB_RGGBLevelsDaylight 2072 1024 1024 1458
ColorTempDaylight 5200
WB_RGGBLevelsShade 2356 1024 1024 1256
ColorTempShade 7000
WB_RGGBLevelsCloudy 2212 1024 1024 1344
ColorTempCloudy 6000
WB_RGGBLevelsTungsten 1595 1076 1076 2124
ColorTempTungsten 3200
WB_RGGBLevelsFluorescent 1830 1024 1024 1866
ColorTempFluorescent 3822
WB_RGGBLevelsKelvin 2072 1024 1024 1458
ColorTempKelvin 5200
WB_RGGBLevelsFlash 2265 1024 1024 1334
ColorTempFlash 6219
RawMeasuredRGGB 715333 918140 929237 422404
PeripheralLighting Off
PeripheralLightingValue 70
OriginalImageWidth 4752
OriginalImageHeight 3168
PeripheralLightingSetting Off
  C O M P O S I T E
Aperture 4.0
DriveMode Self-timer Operation
FileNumber 100-0221
ImageSize 4752x3168
Lens 70.0 mm
LensID Sigma 70mm F2.8 EX DG Macro
ScaleFactor35efl 1.6
ShootingMode Aperture-priority AE
ShutterSpeed 0.3
SubSecCreateDate 2009:05:01 08:58:24.38
SubSecDateTimeOriginal 2009:05:01 08:58:24.38
SubSecModifyDate 2009:05:01 08:58:24.38
ThumbnailImage SCALAR(0xaf27a40)
WB_RGGBLevels 1891 1124 1124 2113
BlueBalance 1.879893
CircleOfConfusion 0.019 mm
FOV 18.4 deg
FocalLength35efl 70.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 111.1 mm)
HyperfocalDistance 64.74 m
Lens35efl 70.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 111.1 mm)
LightValue 5.7
RedBalance 1.682384

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