Click image for full resolution display.

Exif parsing courtesy of Phil Harvey's ExifTool.

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ImageDescription 102 - Peg doll; carved wood in fanric native dress and painted face; San Blas ISlands, Panama January 1993; with EDH.
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ObjectName #102 - Wooden "peg" doll dressed with fabric - Panama
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DateCreated 2012:03:15
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DigitalCreationDate 2012:03:15
DigitalCreationTime 13:02:41
By-line Ellis Vener
By-lineTitle Photographer
CopyrightNotice ©Ellis Vener
Caption-Abstract 102 - Peg doll; carved wood in fanric native dress and painted face; San Blas ISlands, Panama January 1993; with EDH.
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Creator Ellis Vener
Title #102 - Wooden "peg" doll dressed with fabric - Panama
Rights ©Ellis Vener
Subject Dolls, Lisa Haverty, still life
Description 102 - Peg doll; carved wood in fanric native dress and painted face; San Blas ISlands, Panama January 1993; with EDH.
UsageTerms for inspection only unless otherwise authorized in writing
CreatorCountry United States of America
CreatorPostalCode 30309
CreatorWorkTelephone US
CreatorCity Atlanta
CreatorAddress 412 Deering Road NW
CreatorRegion GA
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  C O M P O S I T E
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FOV 15.1 deg
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