File: Y_DSC4212.JPG

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Exif parsing courtesy of Phil Harvey's ExifTool.

  F I L E
FileName Y_DSC4212.JPG
FileSize 11 MB
FileModifyDate 2016:05:26 19:07:30-04:00
FileAccessDate 2016:06:09 12:13:59-04:00
FileInodeChangeDate 2016:06:09 05:03:33-04:00
FileType JPEG
FileTypeExtension jpg
MIMEType image/jpeg
ExifByteOrder Little-endian (Intel, II)
ImageWidth 3712
ImageHeight 5568
EncodingProcess Baseline DCT, Huffman coding
BitsPerSample 8
ColorComponents 3
YCbCrSubSampling YCbCr4:4:0 (1 2)
  E X I F
Model NIKON D500
Orientation Horizontal (normal)
XResolution 300
YResolution 300
ResolutionUnit inches
Software Ver.1.00
ModifyDate 2016:05:26 19:07:30
WhitePoint 0.313 0.329
PrimaryChromaticities 0.64 0.33 0.21 0.71 0.15 0.06
YCbCrCoefficients 0.299 0.587 0.114
YCbCrPositioning Co-sited
ExposureTime 1/80
FNumber 7.1
ExposureProgram Aperture-priority AE
ISO 100
SensitivityType Recommended Exposure Index
ExifVersion 0230
DateTimeOriginal 2016:05:26 19:07:30
CreateDate 2016:05:26 19:07:30
ComponentsConfiguration Y, Cb, Cr, -
CompressedBitsPerPixel 4
ExposureCompensation -1/3
MaxApertureValue 2.8
MeteringMode Multi-segment
LightSource Unknown
Flash No Flash
FocalLength 16.0 mm
SubSecTime 94
SubSecTimeOriginal 94
SubSecTimeDigitized 94
FlashpixVersion 0100
ColorSpace Uncalibrated
ExifImageWidth 3712
ExifImageHeight 5568
InteropIndex R03 - DCF option file (Adobe RGB)
InteropVersion 0100
SensingMethod One-chip color area
FileSource Digital Camera
SceneType Directly photographed
CFAPattern [Red,Green][Green,Blue]
CustomRendered Normal
ExposureMode Auto
WhiteBalance Auto
FocalLengthIn35mmFormat 24 mm
SceneCaptureType Standard
GainControl None
Contrast Normal
Saturation Normal
Sharpness Normal
SubjectDistanceRange Unknown
Gamma 2.2
Compression JPEG (old-style)
Orientation Horizontal (normal)
XResolution 300
YResolution 300
ResolutionUnit inches
ThumbnailOffset 19278
ThumbnailLength 12220
YCbCrPositioning Co-sited
  M A K E R N O T E S
MakerNoteVersion 2.11
Quality Fine
WhiteBalance Auto2
FocusMode AF-C
FlashSetting Normal
WhiteBalanceFineTune 0 0
WB_RBLevels 2.239746094 1.558105469 1 1
ProgramShift 0
ExposureDifference 0
ImageBoundary 0 0 5568 3712
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FlashExposureBracketValue 0.0
ExposureBracketValue 0
CropHiSpeed On (5600x3728 cropped to 5600x3728 at pixel 0,0)
ExposureTuning 0
SerialNumber 3003154
ColorSpace Adobe RGB
VRInfoVersion 0100
VibrationReduction On
VRMode Normal
ActiveD-Lighting Auto
PictureControlVersion 0200
PictureControlName Standard
PictureControlBase Standard
PictureControlAdjust Default Settings
PictureControlQuickAdjust Normal
Sharpness User
Contrast +12
Brightness -124
Saturation +4
HueAdjustment -124
FilterEffect Off
ToningEffect Unknown (0x4)
ToningSaturation 0
TimeZone -05:00
DaylightSavings Yes
DateDisplayFormat Y/M/D
ISO 100
ISOExpansion Off
ISO2 100
ISOExpansion2 Off
VignetteControl High
AutoDistortionControl Off
HDRInfoVersion 0100
HDRLevel Auto
HDRSmoothing Off
HDRLevel2 n/a
LensType G VR [6]
Lens 16-80mm f/2.8-4
FlashMode Did Not Fire
ShootingMode Single-Frame
LensFStops 6.00
ShotInfoVersion 0239
FirmwareVersion 1.00a
NoiseReduction Off
ColorBalanceVersion 0225
LensDataVersion 0204
ExitPupilPosition 128.0 mm
AFAperture 2.7
FocusPosition 0x01
FocusDistance 10.59 m
FocalLength 15.9 mm
LensIDNumber 173
LensFStops 6.00
MinFocalLength 15.9 mm
MaxFocalLength 80.0 mm
MaxApertureAtMinFocal 2.8
MaxApertureAtMaxFocal 4.0
MCUVersion 200
EffectiveMaxAperture 2.8
RetouchHistory None
ImageDataSize 11159428
ShutterCount 4591
FlashInfoVersion 0108
MultiExposureVersion 0101
MultiExposureMode Off
MultiExposureShots 0
MultiExposureAutoGain Off
HighISONoiseReduction Normal
PowerUpTime 2016:05:12 12:33:34
AFInfo2Version 0101
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AFAreaMode Single Area
PhaseDetectAF Unknown (7)
PrimaryAFPoint (none)
AFPointsUsed Unknown (00 00 00 00 00 00 00)
FileInfoVersion 0100
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FileNumber 4212
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RetouchInfoVersion 0200
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  X M P
CreatorTool NIKON D500 Ver.1.00
CreateDate 2016:05:26 19:07:30.94
Rating 0
MPFVersion 0100
NumberOfImages 3
MPImageFlags Representative image, Dependent parent image
MPImageFormat JPEG
MPImageType Baseline MP Primary Image
MPImageLength 11242961
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MPImageFlags Dependent child image
MPImageFormat JPEG
MPImageType Large Thumbnail (VGA equivalent)
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MPImageFlags Dependent child image
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MPImageType Large Thumbnail (full HD equivalent)
MPImageLength 784148
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  C O M P O S I T E
Aperture 7.1
AutoFocus On
ImageSize 3712x5568
LensID AF-S DX Nikkor 16-80mm f/2.8-4E ED VR
LensSpec 16-80mm f/2.8-4 G VR [6]
PreviewImage (binary data)
MPImage3 (binary data)
Megapixels 20.7
ShutterSpeed 1/80
SubSecCreateDate 2016:05:26 19:07:30.94
SubSecDateTimeOriginal 2016:05:26 19:07:30.94
SubSecModifyDate 2016:05:26 19:07:30.94
ThumbnailImage (binary data)
BlueBalance 1.558105
LightValue 12.0
RedBalance 2.239746
ScaleFactor35efl 1.5
CircleOfConfusion 0.020 mm
DOF inf (1.54 m - inf)
FOV 73.7 deg (15.86 m)
FocalLength35efl 16.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 24.0 mm)
HyperfocalDistance 1.80 m