File: Y-JG-Z7-II-Z-100-400-0498.JPG

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Exif parsing courtesy of Phil Harvey's ExifTool.

  F I L E
FileName Y-JG-Z7-II-Z-100-400-0498.JPG
FileSize 21 MB
FileModifyDate 2023:03:01 12:54:36-05:00
FileAccessDate 2023:03:01 12:54:38-05:00
FileInodeChangeDate 2023:03:01 12:54:36-05:00
FileType JPEG
FileTypeExtension jpg
MIMEType image/jpeg
ExifByteOrder Little-endian (Intel, II)
ImageWidth 8256
ImageHeight 5504
EncodingProcess Baseline DCT, Huffman coding
BitsPerSample 8
ColorComponents 3
YCbCrSubSampling YCbCr4:2:2 (2 1)
  E X I F
Model NIKON Z 7_2
Orientation Horizontal (normal)
XResolution 300
YResolution 300
ResolutionUnit inches
Software Ver.01.40
ModifyDate 2023:01:10 05:18:13
YCbCrPositioning Co-sited
ExposureTime 1/500
FNumber 5.6
ExposureProgram Shutter speed priority AE
ISO 720
SensitivityType Recommended Exposure Index
RecommendedExposureIndex 720
ExifVersion 0231
DateTimeOriginal 2023:01:10 05:18:13
CreateDate 2023:01:10 05:18:13
OffsetTime -05:00
OffsetTimeOriginal -05:00
OffsetTimeDigitized -05:00
ComponentsConfiguration Y, Cb, Cr, -
CompressedBitsPerPixel 4
ExposureCompensation +2/3
MeteringMode Multi-segment
LightSource Unknown
Flash No Flash
FocalLength 400.0 mm
SubSecTime 96
SubSecTimeOriginal 96
SubSecTimeDigitized 96
FlashpixVersion 0100
ColorSpace sRGB
ExifImageWidth 8256
ExifImageHeight 5504
InteropIndex R98 - DCF basic file (sRGB)
InteropVersion 0100
SensingMethod One-chip color area
FileSource Digital Camera
SceneType Directly photographed
CFAPattern [Red,Green][Green,Blue]
CustomRendered Custom
ExposureMode Auto
WhiteBalance Auto
FocalLengthIn35mmFormat 400 mm
SceneCaptureType Standard
GainControl None
Contrast Normal
Saturation Normal
Sharpness Normal
SubjectDistanceRange Unknown
SerialNumber 3037529
LensInfo 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6
LensMake NIKON
LensModel NIKKOR Z 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 VR S
LensSerialNumber 20002433
Compression JPEG (old-style)
XResolution 300
YResolution 300
ResolutionUnit inches
ThumbnailOffset 33352
ThumbnailLength 8737
YCbCrPositioning Co-sited
ThumbnailImage (binary data)
  M A K E R N O T E S
MakerNoteVersion 2.11
Quality Fine
WhiteBalance Natural Auto
FocusMode AF-C
FlashSetting Normal
WhiteBalanceFineTune 0 0
WB_RBLevels 1.66796875 1.427734375 1 1
ProgramShift 0
ExposureDifference 0
ImageBoundary 0 0 8256 5504
ExternalFlashExposureComp 0
FlashExposureBracketValue 0.0
ExposureBracketValue 0
CropHiSpeed FX Uncropped (8288x5520 cropped to 8288x5520 at pixel 0,0)
ExposureTuning 0
SerialNumber 3037529
ColorSpace sRGB
VRInfoVersion 0200
VibrationReduction On
VRMode Normal
VRType In-body + Lens
ActiveD-Lighting Off
PictureControlVersion 0300
PictureControlName Standard
PictureControlBase Standard
PictureControlAdjust Quick Adjust
PictureControlQuickAdjust n/a
Sharpness 3.00
MidRangeSharpness 2.00
Clarity 1.00
Contrast None
Brightness Normal
Saturation None
Hue None
FilterEffect n/a
ToningEffect n/a
ToningSaturation n/a
TimeZone -05:00
DaylightSavings No
DateDisplayFormat Y/M/D
ISO 673
ISOExpansion Off
ISO2 63
ISOExpansion2 Off
VignetteControl Normal
AutoDistortionControl On
ShutterMode Auto (Mechanical)
HDRInfoVersion 0100
HDRLevel Auto
HDRSmoothing Off
HDRLevel2 n/a
MechanicalShutterCount 498
ImageSizeRAW Large
WhiteBalanceFineTune 0 0
PrimarySlot CFexpress/XQD Card
SecondarySlotFunction Overflow
ISOAutoHiLimit ISO 25600
ISOAutoFlashLimit Same As Without Flash
ISOAutoShutterTime Auto
FlickerReductionShooting Disable
AFAreaMode Dynamic-area
BracketSet AE/Flash
BracketProgram Disabled
SilentPhotography Off
MovieISOAutoHiLimit ISO 25600
MovieISOAutoControlManualMode On
MovieWhiteBalanceSameAsPhoto Yes
MovieAFAreaMode Auto (People)
AF-CPrioritySel Release
AF-SPrioritySel Focus
BlockShotAFResponse 3 (Normal)
AFPointSel Use All
StoreByOrientation Off
AFActivation Shutter/AF-On
FocusPointWrap No Wrap
ManualFocusPointIllumination On
DynamicAreaAFAssist On
LowLightAF Off
AF-AssistIlluminator On
ManualFocusRingInAFMode On
ExposureControlStepSize 1/3 EV
EasyExposureCompensation Off
CenterWeightedAreaSize 12 mm
FineTuneOptMatrixMetering 0
FineTuneOptCenterWeighted 0
FineTuneOptSpotMetering 0
FineTuneOptHighlightWeighted 0
ShutterReleaseButtonAE-L Off
SelfTimerTime 2 s
SelfTimerShotCount 1
SelfTimerShotInterval 0.5 s
PlaybackMonitorOffTime 10 s
MenuMonitorOffTime 1 min
ImageReviewMonitorOffTime 4 s
StandbyMonitorOffTime 30 s
CLModeShootingSpeed 3 fps
MaxContinuousRelease 200
SyncReleaseMode Sync
ExposureDelayMode Off
ShutterType Auto
ExtendedShutterSpeeds Off
FileNumberSequence On
ApplySettingsToLiveView On
FramingGridDisplay Off
FocusPeakingLevel Off
FocusPeakingHighlightColor Red
ContinuousModeDisplay On
FlashSyncSpeed 1/200 s
FlashShutterSpeed 1/60 s
FlashExposureCompArea Entire Frame
AutoFlashISOSensitivity Subject and Background
ModelingFlash On
AutoBracketModeM Flash/Speed
Func1Button White Balance
Func2Button Focus Mode
AF-OnButton AF-On
SubSelector Focus Point Selection
SubSelectorCenter AE/AF Lock
AssignMovieRecordButton LiveView Info Display On/Off
LensFunc1Button AE/AF Lock
LensFunc2Button AF-On
LensControlRing Aperture
MultiSelectorShootMode Select Center Focus Point
MultiSelectorPlaybackMode Zoom (Low)
ShutterSpeedLock Off
ApertureLock Off
CmdDialsReverseRotation Exposure Compensation
CmdDialsChangeMainSub Autofocus Off, Exposure Off
CmdDialsMenuAndPlayback Off
SubDialFrameAdvance 10 Frames
ReleaseButtonToUseDial No
ReverseIndicators - 0 +
ReverseFocusRing Not Reversed
VerticalFuncButton AE Lock (reset on release)
VerticalAFOnButton Same as AF-On Button
VerticalMultiSelector Same as MultiSelector
MovieFunc1Button White Balance
MovieFunc2Button Focus Mode
MovieAF-OnButton AF-On
AssignMovieSubselector AE/AF Lock
MovieShutterButton Take Photo
MovieMultiSelector Center Focus Point
MovieAFSpeed 0
MovieAFSpeedApply Always
MovieAFTrackingSensitivity 4 (Normal)
MovieHighlightDisplayPattern Off
MovieHighlightDisplayThreshold 248
VerticalMovieFuncButton None
VerticalMovieAFOnButton Same as AF-On
Language English
MonitorBrightness 0
ShootingInfoDisplay Manual (dark on light)
SaveFocus Off
FlickAdvanceDirection Left to Right
HDMIOutputResolution Auto
HDMIOutputRange Auto
HDMIExternalRecorder Off
HDMIBitDepth 8 Bit
RemoteFuncButton None
USBPowerDelivery Enable
EnergySavingMode Off
ColorTemperatureAuto 4930
LensType VR
Lens 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6
FlashMode Did Not Fire
ShootingMode Continuous, Auto ISO
LensFStops 5.67
ShotInfoVersion 0803
FirmwareVersion 01.40.e1
FirmwareVersion2 01.10.00
FirmwareVersion3 01.01.00
NumberOffsets 32
NoiseReduction Off
ColorBalanceVersion 0802
LensDataVersion 0801
LensID Nikkor Z 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 VR S
MaxAperture 5.7
FNumber 5.7
FocalLength 400 mm
RetouchHistory None
ImageDataSize 20363705
ShutterCount 498
FlashInfoVersion 0300
FlashSource None
ExternalFlashFirmware n/a
FlashCompensation 0
MultiExposureVersion 0102
MultiExposureMode Off
MultiExposureShots 0
MultiExposureOverlayMode Add
HighISONoiseReduction Normal
PowerUpTime 2023:01:10 05:11:16
AFInfo2Version 0301
ContrastDetectAF On (2)
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AFImageWidth 8256
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AFAreaYPosition 2460
AFFocusPointYPosition 1U from Center
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FileInfoVersion 0100
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DirectoryNumber 100
FileNumber 0498
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AFFineTuneAdj 0
AFFineTuneAdjTele 0
RetouchInfoVersion 0200
RetouchNEFProcessing Off
SilentPhotography Off
  X M P
CreatorTool NIKON Z 7_2 Ver.01.40
CreateDate 2023:01:10 05:18:13.96
Rating 0
MPFVersion 0100
NumberOfImages 3
MPImageFlags Representative image, Dependent parent image
MPImageFormat JPEG
MPImageType Baseline MP Primary Image
MPImageLength 20467718
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MPImageType Large Thumbnail (VGA equivalent)
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MPImageType Large Thumbnail (full HD equivalent)
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PreviewImage (binary data)
MPImage3 (binary data)
  C O M P O S I T E
Aperture 5.6
BlueBalance 1.427734
ImageSize 8256x5504
Megapixels 45.4
RedBalance 1.667969
ScaleFactor35efl 1.0
ShutterSpeed 1/500
SubSecCreateDate 2023:01:10 05:18:13.96-05:00
SubSecDateTimeOriginal 2023:01:10 05:18:13.96-05:00
SubSecModifyDate 2023:01:10 05:18:13.96-05:00
AutoFocus On
LensSpec 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 VR
CircleOfConfusion 0.030 mm
FOV 5.2 deg
FocalLength35efl 400.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 400.0 mm)
HyperfocalDistance 950.91 m
LensID NIKKOR Z 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 VR S
LightValue 11.1