PRESS RELEASE: Lisa Walker, I3A President, to Preview Results of Consumer-Facing Camera Phone Image Rating System at Image Sensors Event, March 23
March 02, 2011 02:18 PM Eastern Time -- WAKEFIELD, Mass. -- (EON: Enhanced Online News) -- The International Imaging Industry Association (I3A, the leading global association for the imaging industry; announced today that the organization's President, Lisa Walker, is to be a featured speaker at the Image Sensors Europe 2011 event, to be held in London, March 22-24.
“Beyond the Megapixel: the I3A consumer-facing camera phone image rating system”
Walker's session, "Beyond the Megapixel: the I3A consumer-facing camera phone image rating system," will take place on the morning of March 23, and it will focus on the ground-breaking results of the I3A Camera Phone Image Quality Initiative (CPIQ). Walker will describe the results from the first usage of the I3A measurement and testing scheme, as well as its implications for future technical and product developments in the industry.
CPIQ will release its Phase 3 test metrics and publish its consumer-oriented camera phone image quality rating system at I3A's Annual Conference, June 22-23 in San Jose, California. The system includes tools to benefit both carriers and consumers in image evaluation. It will characterize image performance artifacts that affect visual perception and integrate subjective attribute tests to provide first-of-its-kind real-world measurements, in a repeatable, standardized way.
"The lack of standards and metrics for measuring and testing camera phone image quality has been a key issue for the mobile industry. Our CPIQ group has worked hard to research and develop the first systematic approach to image quality testing and comparison methods, so that carriers, manufacturers and consumers can evaluate and choose the right camera phones for their imaging needs," said Walker. "Delivering this set of metrics and the CPIQ rating system provides the first-ever means to easily characterize and compare image quality, and it will yield significant testing cost savings for the image sensors sector and related industries."
About the International Imaging Industry Association (I3A)
I3A's vision is to enable the use of imaging to simplify and enrich people's lives through visual experiences that connect generations, communities, information and services. I3A drives the global imaging ecosystem toward this vision by bringing members together to create standards and collaborate on initiatives that advance shared interests, foster growth, and open pathways to new markets.
Information about I3A can be found at or by phone at +1 914-285-4933. For information on joining I3A, please write or call Noel Mareno,, +1 214-244-1927.
(First posted on Thursday, March 3, 2011 at 17:30 EST)