Newly released cameras get raw support from Apple Aperture, iPhoto and OS X with compatibility update
posted Monday, December 3, 2012 at 2:44 PM EDT

If you've bought a new camera from Nikon, Olympus, Panasonic, or Sony lately, now would be a good time to update your Apple software. The Cupertino, CA-based company has just released its Digital Camera RAW Compatibility Update 4.02, and raw files from a number of these companies' latest cameras are now available.
Apple newly supports raw files from the following cameras:

The update can be downloaded from Apple's website, or through the built-in software update tool. Once installed, raw files from these cameras will be supported natively by the operating system, as well as in Apple's iPhoto '11 and Aperture 3 applications. Current versions of OS X, iPhoto and Aperture will now, in total, support some 291 different camera raw formats after the update is applied.
The raw compatibility update 4.02 requires that you are running at least Mac OS X 10.7.5 Lion, or 10.8.2 Mountain Lion; users of Snow Leopard or earlier will first need to update their OS to gain system-level support for the new cameras.