Sony A7R III Field Test: This is the best overall professional camera on the market today
posted Tuesday, December 5, 2017 at 1:02 PM EDT
Click here to read our Sony A7R III Field Test

Does the Sony A7R III deserve the hype and excitement it has been getting across the photo community? After several days shooting with it and numerous hours working with both photos and videos produced by it, I have to say yes, it absolutely does. The Sony A7R III does a fantastic job addressing the concerns fans of the A7R II had, while simultaneously introducing new features perhaps few asked for.
It's pretty clear that Sony was actively listening and taking notes on what improvements they needed to make to their third-generation A7R camera. This is probably the first camera I've personally ever shot with that feels like a true advancement in areas in which its predecessor was decidedly weak. Sony made the A7R II's terrible battery life into one of the A7R III' strongest, most standout features. The autofocus was also dramatically improved nearly to the point of the incredible A9.
It's not flawless though, as there are still places that need improvement. There is so much to say about the A7R III, and I do my best in the field test to talk about all areas of the camera, and what you can expect from Sony's latest flagship.
To find out how the Sony A7R III fares in several real-world situations, read my Sony A7R III Field Test where I did my best to stress it in the harsh desert environment of Sedona, Arizona. Be sure to check back for additional tests as we fully unpack this camera's photo and video capabilities in the coming weeks.