Imaging Resource offers the most comprehensive, informative, and factually accurate
digital camera information available anywhere. Unparalleled in its thoroughness,
the Imaging Resource is the perfect place to market your digital imaging products.
Simply put - results. Our advertisers have seen click through rates as high as 13%, with averages in the 1.5-2% range for full banners. Imaging Resource readers are affluent, educated, and actively purchase digital imaging products:
- 65% plan to buy a digital camera in the next 12 months
- 77% plan to spend more than $400, 55% more than $600 on their camera
- 49% have household income greater than $60,000
- 36% of visitors are female, 64% male
- Average age is 45
Source: Imaging Resource Reader Survey
Imaging Resource traffic is steadily increasing and has almost doubled since the first of the year. We are one of the most trafficked digital imaging sites on the Web.
Our ad team will create a customized program that will ensure that your message
is exposed to digital camera enthusiasts.
Rates are available upon request. Please send a message to the Ad
Sales Team for further details. Discounts are offered based on campaign
length and volume of impressions. Extensive banner inventory is also available
on affiliate sites. (The network of Imaging Resource affiliate sites provides
remarkably cost-effective access to an audience of *very* active picture-takers
throughout the US. Email for further
details on this exceptional advertising venue.)
Ad Types and Specifications
The Imaging Resource offers several different types of banner ads:
Standard banner (468 x 60, 15 KB or less, 3 loops or less)
Portal ad (125 x 125, 10 KB or less, 3 loops or less)
Rich media ads are also accepted.
All clients receive access to real-time reporting of ad statistics.
Send a request to the Ad Sales Team
to get started!
The Imaging Resource email newsletter goes out biweekly to an audience of nearly 55,000 digital imaging enthusiasts. A limited number of sponsorship positions are available for selected advertisers. Sponsorship of the newsletter gives you the opportunity to communicate your message with a paragraph or so of text and up to 3 actionable links to a group of avid readers. A number of our advertisers have found the newsletter an excellent adjunct to ad campaigns on the site, while others have had excellent success using it as a standalone marketing vehicle.
Send a request to the Ad Sales Team
to get started today!
Sales Team
(310) 663-6853
(617) 706-9093