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The following is an unedited press release, shown as received from the company represented. We've elected to present selected releases without editorial comment, as a way to provide our readers more information without further overtaxing our limited editorial resources. To avoid any possible confusion or conflict of interest, the Imaging Resource will always clearly distinguish between company-provided press releases and our own editorial views and content.

Datacolor SpyderCube packaging. Photo provided by Datacolor Inc. PRESS RELEASE: Datacolor Revolutionizes White Balance Process for RAW Calibration with Introduction of New SpyderCube™

Multi-Function Calibration Tool First to Address Color Balance Needs of Digital Photography with Multi-Source WhitePoint Checking, Bracketed Highlight and Blacks Adjustment

LAWRENCEVILLE, NJ – March 2, 2009—Datacolor, a global leader in digital color management technology, today announced SpyderCube™, the first all-in-one RAW calibration device for fast and accurate whitepoint correction as well as bracketed adjustments for highlights and blacks.  For years, photographers have relied on traditional flat gray cards to establish proper white balance in a wide range of shooting environments.  Today, these professionals require new techniques to meet the changing dynamic of photography and new digital workflow processes.  Capturing appropriate information at the time of image exposure will greatly reduce time and effort in the post-production process and ensure true color rendition and image detail.

To ensure that SpyderCube will outperform and outlast other white balance devices, Datacolor designed the product using ABS Cycoloy, a hybrid resin that is fade proof, extremely durable, and flame / shock resistant.  In addition, colors are through-pigmented for durability, and are carefully formulated to provide optimal color values, including an 18% gray which defines a new standard for spectral neutrality to provide accurate color balance under any light source.

“Datacolor’s core mission is to leverage our intimate knowledge of a photographer’s digital workflow and create color management tools dedicated to helping them express their vision, save time, and reduce costs,” said Christoph Gamper, Datacolor’s Vice President for Consumer Business Products.  “SpyderCube gives photographers a new and innovative way to quickly customize white balance and other adjustments when shooting in RAW and begin the color management workflow process during exposure, not in post-production.”

Sample image, before correction with Datacolor SpyderCube. Photo provided by Datacolor Inc. Click for a bigger picture! Sample image, after correction with Datacolor SpyderCube. Photo provided by Datacolor Inc. Click for a bigger picture!

Sample image, before (left) and after (right) correction with Datacolor SpyderCube.
Photo provided by Datacolor Inc.

Each feature of the SpyderCube is designed to provide a unique solution to RAW adjustment needs, yet work together to produce precise white balance and overall image adjustment when shooting in RAW.  For example, the White face of SpyderCube helps define highlights in relation to the catch-light; the Gray face measures color temperature and mid-tone response; the Black face defines shadows in relations to the Black Trap; and the Black Trap defines absolute black.

In addition, SpyderCube does not require specialized or proprietary software to operate effectively and can be used with any RAW conversion software available today to precisely adjust all photos taken under the same lighting conditions.  SpyderCube can also be used to improve Jpeg camera files.


Datacolor SpyderCube. Photo provided by Datacolor Inc. Click for a bigger picture!

Datacolor SpyderCube
Photo provided by Datacolor Inc.

SpyderCube Features and Functions

  • Ability to capture accurate color without a lot of trial and error manipulation

  • Spectrally Neutral so SpyderCube responds accurately to all lighting conditions

  • Provides reference values to check and adjust RAW control settings

  • Includes Black Trap for shadow detail control

  • Allows users to instantly correct color images by setting color temperature values

  • Allows users to accurately adjust shadows and highlight detail in any RAW image

  • Ideal for location shooting (outdoors or indoors) and studios

  • Essential for RAW conversion, and can also be used when correcting images in a JPG workflow

Datacolor’s SpyderCube will have a suggested list price of $59.00 and will be available at photo retail outlets beginning in March, 2009.

About Datacolor
Datacolor is a global leader in color management solutions and color communication technology. The world’s leading brands, manufacturers, creative professionals and consumers, have been choosing Datacolor’s innovative technology and solutions to consistently achieve the right color for nearly 40 years.  A Swiss held company, Datacolor’s global presence encompasses a sales, service and support network serving customers in more than 65 countries throughout Europe, the Americas and Asia, along with 13 worldwide operation and production facilities. Industries served include apparel and textile, paint and coatings, automotive, plastics, photography, home theater and others. For more information about Datacolor and its products or services, visit

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(First posted on Monday, March 2, 2009 at 13:37 EST)

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