Carry Your Photos on a FireWire Keychain By
Mike Pasini, The Imaging Resource
(Wednesday, January 23, 2002 - 12:21 EST)
CompactFlash with tiny FireWire interface
WiebeTech has announced its $99.95 FireWire Keychain, a keychain-sized, FireWire/IEEE-1394 device for CompactFlash cards, will ship in March.�The product "was designed to provide nonvolatile storage to FireWire users," said James Wiebe, WiebeTech president.� "Because it can provide capacities to 1-GB, it will be useful for all kinds of applications and all kinds of users." Measuring 1.75x2.35x0.75 inches, the small device can transfer up to 5-MB/second. (Lexus not included.)