Phil previews DiMAGE F100! By
Mike Tomkins
(Wednesday, April 17, 2002 - 15:36 EDT)
Digital Photography Review offers a first-look of Minolta's interesting digicam...
Phil Askey over at the Digital Photography Review website has today posted a brief preview item looking at Minolta's recently-announced DiMAGE F100 digital camera. The F100's autofocusing system can recognize the subject in your photo, and track it as it moves around the frame - an unusual feature which offers a lot of potential. The camera also uses the subject's location to decide exposure as well...
As with the recent first-look from Steve's Digicams, Phil's first-look doesn't attempt to draw any conclusions at this time, since the camera he examined is a development model. He does have specs, several images of the camera from various angles, screen-shots of the menu system and 9 sample photos, however. (The usual proviso applies, that these samples may not accurately reflect what a production-level camera is capable of.)