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PRESS RELEASE: Monaco Systems, Inc. Introduces MonacoDCcolor, Color Management Solution for Professional Digital Photographers
ANDOVER, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nov. 4, 2002--Monaco Systems, Inc.(TM), a leader in the field of color management and image processing, today announced the release of MonacoDCcolor, a new digital camera profiling solution aimed at the professional digital photography market. Based on technology that is currently available in Monaco's flagship product, MonacoPROFILER, MonacoDCcolor is a product that is focused specifically on generating high quality ICC color profiles for digital cameras. "Digital photography is an exciting and rapidly growing market that needs a high quality color profiling solution," said George Adam, CEO of Monaco Systems. "MonacoDCcolor is exactly that product. Digital camera profiles allow professional photographers to maximize the color rendering capabilities of their camera and ensure color accuracy and consistency."
MonacoDCcolor creates custom ICC profiles for digital cameras using the GretagMacbeth ColorChecker target, the GretagMacbeth ColorChecker DC target, or the Reflective HutchColor target (HCT). A digital capture of the color target is loaded into MonacoDCcolor. The program then evaluates the image, applies automatic color balancing and compensation for uneven target illumination, and builds a high quality ICC profile. This profile is then used as part of a color-managed workflow to convert digital captures from the digital camera color space to the color space of another device such as a monitor or color printer. This process maximizes the color rendering potential of the camera and allows other devices to accurately display and print images captured with digital cameras.
MonacoDCcolor is priced at $399 and supports Macintosh OS9, Macintosh OS X, and Windows operating systems.
About Monaco Systems, Inc.
Monaco Systems, Inc. is a leader in enhancing the productivity of color-critical digital environments by assuring accurate color between input and output devices through advanced profiling technology. Monaco Systems is a leader in the prepress, publishing, and digital imaging industries -- serving industries such as photography, fine art replication, graphic arts, newspapers, magazines, service bureaus, and other color-intensive industries. Monaco Systems' ICC-profiling products include: MonacoEZcolor, MonacoPROOF, and MonacoPROFILER. OEM customers include: Epson, DuPont, Gerber, Oki Data, Pantone, Polaroid, Xerox, and many others. For more information on Monaco Systems call 978.749.9944 or visit:
Copyright 2002 Monaco Systems, Inc. MonacoDCcolor is a trademark of Monaco Systems, Inc. All other brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks and are properties of their respective holders and are hereby acknowledged.
(First posted on Tuesday, November 5, 2002 at 21:06 EST)
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