Short Form Review for Konica KD-400Z Posted! By
Dave Etchells
(Wednesday, January 29, 2003 - 11:28 EST)
This one has been a long time coming - Konica has already announced a five megapixel version of this camera, although it appears that the four megapixel model I reviewed will remain in the marketplace for some time yet.
The reason I persevered in completing this review is that I felt the Konica KD-400Z was an interesting camera - to the best of my knowledge, the first non-Sony digicam to support Memory Stick media. (The camera takes both Memory Stick and SD card memory, shipping with a 16 MB SD card.)
Overall, this is a fairly nice little camera, very stylish and ruggedly built, and snapping very sharp images. I felt it lost a little though on color accuracy, as it seemed to produce color casts with any white balance setting I tried. Not horrible, but not the best. Quite sharp though, surprisingly so to my thinking.
Worth a look at any rate, if you're in the market for a subcompact digicam with high resolution. Check it out!