Review Update: Nikon Coolpix SQ - Test photos added By
Dave Etchells
(Wednesday, April 23, 2003 - 05:35 EDT)
I've updated the Nikon Coolpix SQ review with a full set of my standard test images, and detailed analysis and comments on them.
Note that this was a late-model prototype, so it's possible that image characteristics could change before final production models hit retail shelves. The camera performed well, but its images were both slightly soft and showed more image noise than other 3 megapixel models I've reviewed.
These are both factors that could change in the final production units though, so stay tuned: I'll update the review whenever I receive a final production unit from Nikon. (I do still love its LCD though, clearly the best I've seen to date under bright lighting conditions.)
In the meantime, check out the test photos!