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The following is an unedited press release, shown as received from the company represented. We've elected to present selected releases without editorial comment, as a way to provide our readers more information without further overtaxing our limited editorial resources. To avoid any possible confusion or conflict of interest, the Imaging Resource will always clearly distinguish between company-provided press releases and our own editorial views and content.

DOTPHOTO.GIF PRESS RELEASE: dotPhoto Announces 'Click & Deliver' Camera Phone Printing

Prints Directly from Any Camera Phone -- No Special Software Needed

June 1, 2004, West Trenton, NJ - dotPhoto, Inc. http://www.dotphoto.com, a global leader in state-of-the-art online digital image handling and the first company to enable camera phone photo uploads, announced today one-button Click & Deliver patent-pending technology that transforms the way camera phones print photos.� All camera phones (regardless of carrier) can now print "Cell Prints" directly from their cell phone without any special software.

Click & Deliver is completely automatic. Users simply take a photo with their camera phone and email the image through their phone to prints@dotphoto.com. dotPhoto then automatically checks the user's personal preferences, and prints and ships their photos (called "cell prints") on high-quality Kodak paper directly to the user. It's that easy. To experience Click & Deliver, anyone can join the free service at http://www.dotphoto.com, set their Click & Deliver preferences under MyAccount, and start e-mailing photos. The basic photo-processing price is only 11� each for a 3" x 4" camera phone print.� The 3x4" print size optimizes the slightly lower resolutions of camera phones while maintaining the camera phone's aspect ratio, so there is no need for cropping. New dotPhoto users will receive their first 10 "cell prints" free of charge.

Users can determine how many photos they want to receive at one time. For instance, a person who enjoys taking 36 photos at a time can still get 36 prints at once -- all prints are shipped when the 36th photo is emailed to dotPhoto. Click & Deliver users can also send automatic e-mails to friends or family to invite them to see a group of photos that they have collected from their camera phone on dotPhoto.com.

"Click & Deliver is the easiest way to take photos in history," says Glenn Paul, President of dotPhoto. "No film to drop off, no wires to plug in -- just click! -- and photos are delivered to your home. Photography has never been this convenient."

The dotPhoto "Click & Deliver" application is one of the largest computer systems in the world that can be completely controlled from a cell phone. For example, users can send a text message to the service to print at any time: sending "Print" from your cell phone will print all the photos currently in the queue.

Click & Deliver Text Messaging Commands include:

� PRINT - prints all photos from cell phone currently in the queue.
� PHELP - returns list of all commands with descriptions.
� PCLEAR - Clears the print queue of all photos.
� PQ - Returns the status of their print queue.
� PUSPS or OVERNIGHT - Sets the Shipping Method.

Camera phone photos are also stored free of charge at dotPhoto.com. Camera phone users who do not want to print can open a free dotPhoto account, and then e-mail their photos to uploads@dotphoto.com.

(First posted on Tuesday, June 1, 2004 at 18:31 EDT)

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