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PRESS RELEASE: MINOX GmbH is independent again
The company MINOX GmbH, based in Wetzlar, has broken free from its co-partner, Leica Camera AG, and has made itself fully independent. General manager Thorsten Kortemeier already took over the traditional brand when he acquired 51 percent of the MINOX partnership capital in 2001 - at that time 49 percent were left in the possession of Leica.
Small and adaptable, defying the difficult market environment - this company concept launched four years ago worked. Boasting a high level of flexibility the new MINOX GmbH has been able to systematically expand its activities and also the profits. Primarily known as manufacturer of the famous miniature camera MINOX now focuses on new product lines and special forms of marketing. These small and ingenious MINOX products are in strong demand, also as high quality rewards and advertising gifts. The top seller is the sport optics sector - this is where sales have actually doubled over the previous four years. And just recently, MINOX was presented the German Design Award for its successful binocular development.
Thorsten Kortemeier comments: "It was the right decision to focus on new sales channels and lucrative niche markets. More innovative products will be launched this year securing the ongoing growth of MINOX GmbH."
(First posted on Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 06:14 EDT)
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