Full review posted for Olympus FE-110! By
Shawn Barnett
(Thursday, April 20, 2006 - 08:32 EDT)
The 5.0-megapixel Olympus FE-110 is a bare-bones, entry-level digital camera well-suited for travel snapshots.
Its body design is relatively compact, with very few external controls. Offering automatic exposure control and only a couple of exposure options, the FE-110 handles average bright shooting conditions well, though its Night Scene mode should be fine for standard night time photography in urban environments.
If you're looking for a very inexpensive digital camera to throw in a backpack and record a trip, the FE-110 may right for you. Its price point is low enough that you won't lose too much sleep if it falls over the side of a boat or your two-year-old covers it in peanut butter. Read the review for more.