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PRESS RELEASE: SVA to Offer Master Program in Digital Photography

On July 19, School of Visual Arts was authorized by the New York State Education Department to offer a Master of Professional Studies in Digital Photography beginning in the fall of 2007. The new one-year degree program addresses the technical needs of experienced photographers who are looking to advance their skills in digital image capture, management and high-quality output, or make a career change into the field of digital photography. The program will be chaired by Katrin Eismann, who is currently on the faculty of the BFA Computer Art Department and the MFA Photography, Video and Related Media Department at SVA. Eismann is a computer artist, author and educator specializing in digital photography.

"Photography is an incredibly dynamic industry, and this program brings photographers up to speed with the most powerful tools, techniques, and strategies that are now available or in development," said Eismann. "The curriculum takes advantage of SVA's outstanding facilities and faculty members, and because the program is based in the heart of New York City's photo district, we're able to attract guest speakers and seminar leaders who are on the cutting edge of digital imaging."

The MPS in Digital Photography will become the fourth program in photography at SVA, which currently offers a BFA in Photography; an MFA in Photography, Video and Related Media; a one-year certificate for international students, called PhotoGlobal; and nearly 50 photography courses and workshops in the Division of Continuing Education.

The MPS in Digital Photography is a concentrated course of studies in digital image making, ranging from capture to distribution and display of images. The required curriculum consists of nine 3-credit courses and a 6-credit summer thesis project, including: Digital Materials and Processes; Digital Asset Management and Workflow; Personal Vision, Storytelling and the Art of Editorial Photography; Color Management and Output; Advanced Image Processing; Photo Illustration; Large Format Printing; Studio Management and Practices; and Scripting and Automation. Application information is available from SVA's Office of Graduate Admissions at (212) 592-2100 or gradadmissions@sva.edu.

Katrin Eismann has written, taught and lectured extensively on the latest digital imaging techniques and technologies as well as their impact on professional photographers, artists, and educators. Eismann earned a BFA from the Rochester Institute of Technology in 1991 and an MFA in Design from the School of Visual Arts in 2002. She began her career at the Center for Creative Imaging in Camden, Maine, where she was the director of education, and has since worked with numerous companies, including Adobe Systems, Apple Computer, Eastman Kodak, and Nikon, to develop and refine photographic software and hardware. She has written multiple books on digital photography and digital imaging techniques, including Real World Digital Photography (Peachpit Press, 2003), Photoshop Masking & Compositing (New Riders Press, 2004) and Adobe Photoshop Restoration & Retouching (New Riders Press, 2005). Eismann is a featured columnist in American Photo and Photoshop User.

The study of the lens-based arts at School of Visual Arts encompasses commercial, fashion, fine art and documentary photography. Students have the opportunity to master multiple genres and image-making vocabularies in order to produce work that is both personally meaningful and marketable. Through the combined resources of the BFA Photography Department; MFA Photography, Video and Related Media Department; MPS Digital Photography Department; and the Division of Continuing Education, students have access to state-of-the-art facilities and a faculty of more than 100 photographers, photo editors, critics, publishers and photography dealers.

SVA has been authorized by the New York State Education Department to confer the degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts in advertising; animation; cartooning; computer art; film and video; fine arts; graphic design; illustration; interior design; photography; and visual and critical studies; and to confer the degree of Master of Fine Arts in art criticism and writing; computer art; design; fine arts; illustration as visual essay; photography, video and related media; and to confer the degree of Master of Professional Studies in art therapy and digital photography; and to confer the degree of Master of Arts in Teaching in art education.

School of Visual Arts in New York City is an established leader and innovator in the education of artists. From its inception in 1947, the faculty has been comprised of professionals working in the arts and art-related fields. SVA provides an environment that nurtures creativity, inventiveness and experimentation, enabling students to develop a strong sense of identity and a clear direction of purpose.

(First posted on Tuesday, August 22, 2006 at 12:36 EDT)

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