The following is an unedited press release, shown as received from the company represented. We've elected to present selected releases without editorial comment, as a way to provide our readers more information without further overtaxing our limited editorial resources. To avoid any possible confusion or conflict of interest, the Imaging Resource will always clearly distinguish between company-provided press releases and our own editorial views and content. |
PRESS RELEASE: Annual Convention Attendance Set To Hit All Time High
The SWPP & BPPA's 2007 Annual Convention is set to receive over 5000 delegates and takes place at the purpose build Hotel and Convention Centre at the Novotel London West from January 10th - 15th. With a huge list of cutting edge speakers from 4 continents this event promises to be the biggest event of it's kind ever staged in the UK.
Convention bookings have rocketed in the last few weeks and already demand for tickets has surpassed the same period last year. Hotel venue accommodation is rapidly filling and to avoid the inconvenience of having to stay elsewhere then prompt booking is highly recommended. The speaker programme covers a wide variety of subject matter, which includes weddings, portraiture, digital imaging, Photoshop, Children, Fashion.... A full list of speakers can be found on our web site
The response from the trade has been magnificent. "I simply cannot emphasise how delighted we are knowing that we can drive enquiries to our industry supporters." said CEO Phil Jones. The exhibitor line up comprising of the leading companies within the photographic industry including: Epson, Fuji, Nikon, Sigma, Canon, Kodak, Adobe, Olympus, Hasselblad, Art Leather, Albums Australia, Blossom Publishing from the USA plus a further additional 170+ leading companies.
With the 2007 SWPP & BPPA Convention looming ever closer, it is a good idea to look at what London has to offer over and above the lure of the Convention itself. London has the greatest concentration of major attractions in Britain and boasts four World Heritage Sites. Over two hundred attractions are free to enter, so there's nowhere else in the world where you can see so much for so little! Visitors can choose from top attractions like the British Airways London Eye or the Tower of London, join a tour or perhaps relax in one of the capital's beautiful parks and gardens.
Photographers from around the world are invited to attend this massive event and come away with fresh ideas to start their year with a boost.
Further information: SWPP & BPPA 6 Bath St, Rhyl LL18 3EB Tel 0044 1745 356935
(First posted on Monday, October 16, 2006 at 11:15 EDT)
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