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The following is an unedited press release, shown as received from the company represented. We've elected to present selected releases without editorial comment, as a way to provide our readers more information without further overtaxing our limited editorial resources. To avoid any possible confusion or conflict of interest, the Imaging Resource will always clearly distinguish between company-provided press releases and our own editorial views and content.

Infotrends' logo. Click here to visit the Infotrends website! PRESS RELEASE: InfoTrends Study Shows Increased Use of Camera Phones among GenZers

(Weymouth, MA) October 16, 2007 ... According to a new research report from InfoTrends, camera phone functionality is becoming increasingly attractive to young consumers in the 13-24 year old age demographic. A significant number of those in this GenZ population indicated that they send or receive text messages on a daily basis, and nearly the same percentage use their cameras for taking pictures.

Although consumers across all age segments indicate that they use their camera phones often and value having the ability to take spur-of-the-moment photos, only 15% of consumers consider their camera phone to be their primary picture taking device, while 65% still regard their digital still camera as their primary picture taking device. Satisfaction ratings were high for camera phone features and ease-of-use (taking pictures and videos), but somewhat lower for print quality and the cost of sharing/receiving photos. According to Alan Bullock, Associate Director of InfoTrends' Internet Imaging Service, "It is clear that camera phones will not replace traditional digital cameras any time soon. Nevertheless, ongoing improvements to image quality and ease-of-use will eventually enable camera phones to be highly regarded as image capture devices."

InfoTrends' new research report, "U.S. Camera Phone End-User Survey Research: 2007," examines consumers' satisfaction with the photo-related features of their camera phones. The study explores features that are most important to users and the extent to which they use various functions on their phone. It also provides analysis on Internet users' camera phone ownership, usage, and applications, and investigates changes that have taken place among camera phone users since 2005.

The report details potential areas of growth within the camera phone image capture market and outlines the methods by which consumers are sharing and printing their camera phone images, providing insight into what improvements need to be made to increase those photo activities. In addition, this document relates demographic information regarding the typical camera phone users and, as such, will be useful in understanding the target within this market.

The complete research report is available immediately to clients of InfoTrends' Internet Imaging Trends Service. For more information about the report or to make a purchase, visit our online store or contact Matt O'Keefe at +1 781 616 2100 ext. 115 or matt_okeefe@infotrends.com.

InfoTrends, a Questex company, is the leading worldwide market research and strategic consulting firm for the digital imaging and document solutions industry. We provide research, analysis, forecasts, and advice to help clients understand market trends, identify opportunities, and develop strategies to grow their businesses. Additional information about InfoTrends is available on the Web at www.infotrends.com.

(First posted on Monday, December 10, 2007 at 11:22 EST)

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