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The following is an unedited press release, shown as received from the company represented. We've elected to present selected releases without editorial comment, as a way to provide our readers more information without further overtaxing our limited editorial resources. To avoid any possible confusion or conflict of interest, the Imaging Resource will always clearly distinguish between company-provided press releases and our own editorial views and content.

PRESS RELEASE: Cerebrosoft Offers B*Gallery as Freeware

Cerebrosoft has announced that B*Gallery, their popular Java-based image publishing application, is now available free of charge with "no strings attached." B*Gallery was originally launched as shareware in 2003.

B*Gallery is a Linux, Mac OS X and Windows application that makes it easy to create HTML image galleries that can be updated, extended and shared. Unlike most Web gallery applications that create simple, static galleries, B*Gallery makes it simple to add, update, customize and connect content into meaningful photo albums.

B*Gallery comes with pre-configured themes that you can use to create galleries immediately. You can customize themes as much as you'd like, varying colors, fonts and other settings. Each theme offers a robust set of features, including a gallery index page, album slide show, photo details page and more. Advanced users have full access to the template files that make up a theme and can fully integrate galleries into their Web sites, matching their look and feel.

For more information, visit http://www.cerebrosoft.com.

(First posted on Friday, May 2, 2008 at 15:49 EDT)

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