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The following is an unedited press release, shown as received from the company represented. We've elected to present selected releases without editorial comment, as a way to provide our readers more information without further overtaxing our limited editorial resources. To avoid any possible confusion or conflict of interest, the Imaging Resource will always clearly distinguish between company-provided press releases and our own editorial views and content.

6Sight's logo. Click here to visit the 6Sight website! PRESS RELEASE: 6Sight Future of Imaging Conference highlights emerging new technologies

JACKSON, Mich. – Exciting new imaging technologies take the spotlight at the upcoming 6Sight Future of Imaging Conference, Nov. 10-12, at the Monterey Conference Center in Monterey, Calif. The 6Sight New Technology Showcases illustrate how the latest innovations will impact the future of imaging. The showcases are each part of the four conference clusters: 3D – The Next Dimension in Imaging, Mobile Imaging 2.0, Rise of the Amateur, and Print It Your Way.

Fujifilm FinePix Real 3D
Fujifilm Senior Product Training Manager Jim Calverley showcases the FinePix Real 3D digital camera and photo viewer. The camera, known as the FinePix Real 3D W1, has dual 10-megapixel sensors coupled with dual Fujinon 3X optical zoom lenses, and captures both 3D photos and video. The FinePix Real 3D W1 digital camera also has special 2D features that take advantage of its special configuration, such as shooting both wide-angle and zoom shots, high and low sensitivity (ISO), or two different color modes, simultaneously.

SpeedTags and SpeedView Camera SDK
Scalado chief technology officer and cofounder Sami Niemi presents “SpeedTags – A revolution in image capturing” focusing on new capturing and image processing paradigms enabled by SpeedTags-enhanced HW and SpeedView Camera SDK. Several camera phones are already shipping with SpeedTags HW, and majority of the Camera HW have licensed SpeedTags; so expect the revolution to be just around the corner.

Dynamic Range Correction
Philippe Dewost, CEO of computer vision company imsense, presents the company eye-fidelity technology. This patented Dynamic Range Correction technology is based on more than eight years of research and development in computer vision. It can process image and video signals at any dynamic range (from 8 to 32 bits per channel) as well as optimize brightness and contrast, faithfully rendering the appearance of the original scene. The imsense eye-fidelity process will deliver best-in-class outputs for any image size, for both demanding photographers using high-end computers and for consumers taking pictures on smart phones. The engine does not require any setup or metadata, and it preserves the color balance integrity of the image. It is faster than any existing solution and has a low memory footprint, making it handheld compatible. Dewost illustrates the applications for this technology – from sensor to software, from point-of-capture to photo processing, from device to the cloud. In particular, he focuses on how eye-fidelity meets the needs of real-world image processing.

Iain Scholnick, CEO of ImageSpan, the creator of LicenseStream, presents this market-leading licensing and royalty settlement platform for media, and speaks about a major new partnership. ImageSpan is the exclusive provider of license registry services to the PLUS Coalition, the international, multi-industry standards body for image licensing.

Michael Moore, CEO of RocketLife, showcases their latest technological developments, furthering the RocketLife Advantage by being relevant in all customer touch points. Learn how RocketLife will enable customers to keep an eye on the dollars required to create, maintain, and leverage their assets into a cost-effective, time-efficient Monetization Engine, across consumers, business, and industry.

“Our lineup of exciting New Technology Showcases clearly demonstrates innovation in imaging technology has not slowed down,” says Alexis Gerard, cofounder and program chair of the 6Sight Future of Imaging Conference. “Visual communication is growing ever more valuable as a tool to help people manage their lives – at work, at home, and in their communities – and 6Sight continues to be the place to see the most innovative new developments shaping the business opportunities of tomorrow.”

These technologies and more will be presented at 6Sight. Throughout the conference, attendees can get a first-hand view of the technologies in the 6Sight Tech Fair, and have the opportunity to explore the many business opportunities that these innovations represent with the executives responsible for their development.

For information about available New Technology Showcase and Tech Fair opportunities, contact Joe Byrd at [email protected]. Information about the 6Sight conference program and speakers is available at www.6sight.com. Information about the I3A annual conference, which will be colocated with 6Sight, can be found at www.i3a.org.

About the 6Sight Future of Imaging Conference
The 6Sight® Future of Imaging Conference is an annual executive gathering focused on the transformative impact of imaging technology and visual communication on every facet of society – businesses, homes, and communities. Technologists, marketers, futurists, artists, industry and financial analysts, educators, high-volume users, and members of the media come together at the conference to preview breakthrough technologies; forecast innovative uses; and spark new ideas and alliances benefitting current and potential customers, participating companies, and the imaging industry as a whole. The program emphasizes interactivity, rich media presentations, and high-level connections among participants. The 6Sight Conferences LLC is a joint venture between Future Image Inc., an independent center of expertise on imaging technology, and the Association of Imaging Executives® (AIE®), a PMA® member association of photo imaging leaders who shape the strategic growth of the global imaging industry.

(First posted on Thursday, October 8, 2009 at 14:37 EDT)

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