All three updates finalize the release candidate versions issued a little over a fortnight ago, and add support for the same list of new camera models. The Lightroom 2.7 also increases the cache size limit to 200GB, and fixes a bug with slideshow playback that could cause program or operating system crashes. Camera Raw 5.7 includes a new demosaicing algorithm compatible with settings applied in the Lightroom 3 beta
Both Windows and Mac users receive new support for Raw files from seven manufacturers - Canon, Kodak, Leaf, Mamiya, Olympus, Panasonic, and Sony. The full list of newly supported cameras is as follows. (Note that the Lightroom 2.7 release notes don't mention the Leaf Aptus-II 10R. We're currently awaiting confirmation whether this is an oversight in creating the release notes, or whether Lightroom 2.7 and Camera Raw 5.7 differ in their support.)
For more details and to obtain the Lightroom 2.7, Camera Raw 5.7, and DNG Converter 5.7 updates, visit the product updates page on Adobe's website.