Express Review posted for Pentax X90! By
Zig Weidelich, The Imaging Resource
(Thursday, October 14, 2010 - 23:57 EDT)
The Pentax X90 digital camera takes over the reins from last year's X70 model, and stakes the company's claim for a share of the hard-fought megazoom digital camera market.
Its 26x optical zoom lens might not be the most powerful in its class, but it matches up closely to the range provided by most of its competitors. The Pentax X90 digital camera includes some important capabilities that let you control the look of your images, including the ability to control focus and exposure manually, and to limit the range of its Auto ISO function. Going a step further, the Pentax X90 offers several functions that are absent in many competing megazoom digital cameras, such as an interval timer, and the ability to automatically correct for lens distortion in-camera. The picture's not entirely rosy, however: we did note some user interface quirks, and the Pentax X90's image quality didn't always meet with our expectations. Can the Pentax X90's strengths overcome its weaknesses? Read our Express Review of the Pentax X90 digital camera, and you'll find our verdict.