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The following is an unedited press release, shown as received from the company represented. We've elected to present selected releases without editorial comment, as a way to provide our readers more information without further overtaxing our limited editorial resources. To avoid any possible confusion or conflict of interest, the Imaging Resource will always clearly distinguish between company-provided press releases and our own editorial views and content.

Zacuto's logo. Click here to visit the Zacuto website! PRESS RELEASE: Zacuto Rentals Department Benefits From DSLR Movement

Within the DSLR Movement, Zacuto Rentals Has Increased the Supply of DSLR Camera Rental Kits

CHICAGO, IL--(Marketwire - December 15, 2010) - Zacuto Rentals has added a significant amount of DSLR camera equipment to their available rental pool to meet the demands of the DSLR video revolution. Zacuto rents out all the rigs, pieces and parts to transform your DSLR camera into a cinematographer's dream machine.

With a rental client base that ranges from students and faculty, to small indie productions and medium-sized local companies, to national-scale broadcasting companies and producers of high-profile music videos, it is no wonder that video equipment packages cannot stay on the shelves.

"The phone calls we get range from film students who just need the basic items to fit their budgets, to the producers from 'Saturday Night Live,'" says Leo Koesterer, Zacuto Rentals Manager. "More often than not, we can find a way to work out a package that works within the limits of anyone's means. Every day is a surprise. You never know who is going to be calling us next."

In addition to building custom "a la carte" HD camera rental orders, Zacuto's "turnkey" camera packages have set the standard in the video rental industry, supporting all established broadcast and prosumer video camera formats that are still popular today.

"By far, the most popular stabilizer rigs we rent are the Double Barrel and the Crossfire," says Joe DeJulius, Zacuto Director of Rentals. "The Double Barrel rigs are so busy that as soon as one comes in from a rental, we instantly turn it around and it's back out the door."

Packages like the Docu, Cine, Cine Plus, Studio & Studio/Handheld are now standards in thevideo equipment industry. Unlike traditional a la carte rental houses, Zacuto camera packages are complete with all of the necessary components included.

About Zacuto:
Zacuto USA, DSLR camera accessories manufacturer, opened in 2000 primarily as a rental house and is now known for their Zacuto USA brand of extremely high quality, originally designed camera accessories. Zacuto also produces original programming, and most recently, their webisodic program: "The Great Camera Shootout 2010" won the 2010 Emmy Award for Outstanding Achievement for Informational Programs. For more information, please visit www.Zacuto.com.

(First posted on Thursday, December 16, 2010 at 15:58 EST)

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