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The following is an unedited press release, shown as received from the company represented. We've elected to present selected releases without editorial comment, as a way to provide our readers more information without further overtaxing our limited editorial resources. To avoid any possible confusion or conflict of interest, the Imaging Resource will always clearly distinguish between company-provided press releases and our own editorial views and content.

Singular Software's logo. Click here to visit the Singular Software website! PRESS RELEASE: Singular Software Releases Pluraleyes For Avid Media Composer

Red-hot developer brings its flagship synchronization magic to the Avid community

Vancouver, British Columbia – January 25, 2011 – Singular Software™, developer of workflow automation applications for digital media, has announced that its flagship product PluralEyes® has expanded its support for non-linear editing applications to include Avid® Media Composer® software. PluralEyes dramatically accelerates the workflow for multi-camera, multi-take and dual-system audio productions by analyzing audio information and automatically synchronizing audio and video clips. In addition to Media Composer, PluralEyes also supports NewsCutter® software.

"Singular Software is pleased to add Media Composer to our growing list of supported applications," says Bruce Sharpe, CEO, Singular Software. "We've heard feedback from many editors on how PluralEyes has become the key component for managing their DSLR and multi-camera workflows. We look forward to bringing these same benefits to the Avid editing community."

About PluralEyes
A fan favorite among video producers of all skill levels, PluralEyes can be used for a wide-range of projects, from weddings and live events, to documentaries, commercials, indie films and more.

Scott Simmons, Creative Editor at Filmworkers, Nashville says: "As a longtime user of PluralEyes for Final Cut Pro, I was very excited to see it come to Avid Media Composer. I often perform more complex edits using Media Composer, including music video edits, so the ability to deploy PluralEyes will be a boon to my productivity, music video and otherwise."

PluralEyes for Media Composer Availability and Pricing PluralEyes for Media Composer works with Windows® XP®, Vista® or Windows 7® Mac OS X, and with Media Composer versions 4 and 5, as well as NewsCutter. It is available to purchase via the Singular Software website for an introductory price of $119 USD until February 21. The regular price is $149 USD.

Other PluralEyes Versions
PluralEyes for Adobe® Premiere Pro®, Apple® Final Cut® Pro, and Sony® Vegas® Pro is available for purchase on the Singular Software website: http://www.singularsoftware.com/buy.html.

Students and instructors can also benefit from Singular Software's academic discount of 50%, which can be applied to individual purchases of PluralEyes. For volume orders, please contact sales@singularsoftware.com.

You can test drive PluralEyes by downloading a fully functional 30-day free trial version from: http://www.singularsoftware.com/downloads.html.

About Avid
Avid creates the digital audio and video technology used to make the most listened to, most watched and most loved media in the world – from the most prestigious and award-winning feature films, music recordings, television shows, live concert tours and news broadcasts, to music and movies made at home. Some of Avid's most influential and pioneering solutions include Media Composer®, Pro Tools, Interplay®, ISIS®, VENUE, Oxygen 8, Sibelius®, System 5, and Pinnacle Studio™. For more information about Avid solutions and services, visit http://www.avid.com.

Singular Software PluralEyes is a registered trademark of Singular Software Inc. All other trademarks, registered trademarks and products mentioned herein belong to their respective owners.

(First posted on Tuesday, January 25, 2011 at 16:10 EST)

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