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The following is an unedited press release, shown as received from the company represented. We've elected to present selected releases without editorial comment, as a way to provide our readers more information without further overtaxing our limited editorial resources. To avoid any possible confusion or conflict of interest, the Imaging Resource will always clearly distinguish between company-provided press releases and our own editorial views and content.

Tunaverse's logo. Click here to visit the Tunaverse website! PRESS RELEASE: Apple Formula Spells Success for One Start-up with Cinq Photo

Cinq Photo™ delivers photographers’ digital needs

NEW YORK -- (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Tunaverse Media has seen its fair share of changes in technology since developing its Cinq Photo App™ over the last two years, but attributes the majority of its success to Apple’s continuous innovations in mobile technology. With the release today of Cinq Photo on the iTunes App Store® and the wealth of new Verizon customers discovering the iPhone and iPad, the Company’s founders are immensely grateful to Apple.

“We doubled our user base in one month by offering a free version of the application. And because our users spend almost two minutes using the App per session, ad revenue exceeds download revenue, without interfering with user experience.”

Since early 2005, Tunaverse™ has been working to finally put consumers in control of their digital media. The Company’s first effort was a remote control media player for music that provided two-way wireless syncing with a home music library. Tunaverse may have been ahead of its time – it was before smart phones and 3G – and phone companies made it virtually impossible to get this software to consumers. After building a working platform, Tunaverse went to Lehman Brothers to secure funding for commercialization, only to watch Lehman Brothers disappear as the economy collapsed.

With the release of the iPhone, Tunaverse found a home and pivoted to photography. The founders could see that the move to digital had left photographers with a hopelessly complex world of incompatible hardware and software. They knew their technology could help photographers get what they wanted—control over their digital images—but they didn’t know exactly what that meant. Since releasing Cinq in September 2009, they have been refining their unique technology in the Apple ecosystem, listening to their users and working to understand the marketplace.

The Company has learned a lot along the way. Every step taken by Apple, from enhancing the operating system to introducing the iPad, has helped Tunaverse deliver Cinq Photo, which the Company believes properly showcases the Tunaverse technology and provides the features users want.

Cinq Photo automatically delivers high resolution photos home as they are taken, remotely or on local Wi-Fi; imports high-resolution photos for touch-screen editing, then saving home or posting to Facebook; batch sending photos in the background; and printing anywhere with AirPrint.

“Now it truly doesn’t matter where you or your photos are, as you have easy access to them and can do what you want with them,” said Ross Pirtle, President of Tunaverse.

Another development by Apple made Cinq Photo even easier to use. “The Mac App Store was a game changer for us because Cinq Photo requires a download on your computer,” he said. “The Mac Store makes it so simple. “

The iPad has also had a transformative impact on photography. “Touchscreen photo editing is dramatically more enjoyable than working on a computer,” Pirtle said. Until Cinq Photo, it was impossible to get high-resolution photos onto the iPad because it lacks a USB or SD card slot and normal syncing through iTunes does not deliver a high-resolution image to the device. With Cinq Photo, high-resolution images are saved locally, simply by viewing them.

“We discovered that free is better, at least for us,” said Pirtle. “We doubled our user base in one month by offering a free version of the application. And because our users spend almost two minutes using the App per session, ad revenue exceeds download revenue, without interfering with user experience.”

With every advancement by Apple the Company has moved closer to accomplishing its vision for freeing photographers to focus on the creative side of their craft. “We have Apple to thank for giving us the platform to do it,” Pirtle said.

(First posted on Tuesday, February 22, 2011 at 13:20 EST)

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