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The following is an unedited press release, shown as received from the company represented. We've elected to present selected releases without editorial comment, as a way to provide our readers more information without further overtaxing our limited editorial resources. To avoid any possible confusion or conflict of interest, the Imaging Resource will always clearly distinguish between company-provided press releases and our own editorial views and content.

PhotoShelter's logo. Click here to visit the PhotoShelter website! PRESS RELEASE: Selling Photos: PhotoShelter Releases "How to Sell Prints" - A Free Guide

PhotoShelter, the worldwide leader in photography portfolio websites, photo archiving, sales and marketing tools for photographers, today released 'How to Sell Prints' - the latest in a long-running series of free and comprehensive e-books designed to equip photographers with the tools needed for success in today's marketplace. The guide outlines basic and intermediate business strategies and considerations via a variety of insightful case studies, action plans, as well as expert recommendations, and can be requested here: http://www.photoshelter.com/mkt/how-to-sell-prints

'How to Sell Prints' is a 44-page guide covering the essential tactics all photographers must consider when selling their photography as prints. Especially suited for beginner and intermediate photo businesses, the content is dedicated to helping photographers increase their visibility and maximize profits from selling photos.

In addition to outlining basic promotional tactics, 'How to Sell Prints' takes photographers through every step of the sale from pricing to packaging and fulfillment. The guide aims to help photographers generate sustainable income from selling photography, yet can also be employed to help pro photographers in a variety of specialties generate incremental revenue by monetizing website traffic - turning fans and followers into paying clients through print sales opportunities. Special consideration is given to the marketing tactics photographers can employ to boost print sales.

'How to Sell Prints' is the newest installment in PhotoShelter's collection of downloadable guides for photographers, covering a wide selection of business and marketing topics such as SEO, Google Analytics, Social Media, and Blogging. The guides have been downloaded more than 100K times by photographers, and are available here: http://www.photoshelter.com/mkt/research/.

PhotoShelter produces these free guides with a deep commitment to helping photographers succeed. In addition to providing advanced tools to bolster a photographer's online presence, the company makes educating photographers a top priority. The insights from the guide can be used by anyone - a PhotoShelter website is not required.

About PhotoShelter
PhotoShelter is the leader in portfolio websites, photo sales, marketing and archiving tools for photographers. Over 65,000 photographers worldwide use PhotoShelter to power their success online, with customizable website templates, searchable photo galleries, e-commerce capabilities, and bulletproof image storage. Photographers can create a professional PhotoShelter website in under five minutes, or customize the design of PhotoShelter to power their existing photography website. A complete solution designed to make the business of photography easier to manage, PhotoShelter offers superior image security, online image delivery, and advanced marketing tools like SEO and social media sharing capabilities so photographers can make their images work harder for them. To join our community visit http://www.photoshelter.com.

(First posted on Wednesday, March 23, 2011 at 17:37 EDT)

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