Hewlett Packard PhotoSmart 912 Camera Review Posted! By
Mike Tomkins
(Friday, March 30, 2001 - 15:02 EST)
HP's 2 megapixel SLR digicam gets its turn on the IR review bench...
Continuing our "streak" of HP cameras, we've today posted a full review of the HP 912 SLR. This is a top of the line 2 megapixel SLR, offering true through-the-lens viewing. It also offers the Digita operating system, which provides exceptionally clear (if not a little verbose and "deep") menus, as well as the ability to custom-program the camera for special applications. (Using a software development kit from http://www.flashpoint.com/.) Overall, the PhotoSmart 912 is the lowest-cost 2 megapixel digital SLR on the planet, priced at only a fairly small premium relative to non-SLR designs. Check the review for full details!