Put detail back in the highlights again! By
Mike Tomkins
(Saturday, August 11, 2001 - 18:08 EDT)
PhotoShop action salvages D30 photos with blown highlights...
Professional photographer (and IR reader) Fred Miranda emailed us with news that he's added a new section to his website covering Canon's popular EOS D30 SLR digital camera. Perhaps the most impressive thing on the site is Fred's 'Highlight Recovery' action for PhotoShop, which restores lost detail in blown highlights of images that were captured in CCD-RAW mode.
We can't do this justice with a description - if you're a D30 owner and use PhotoShop, just click on the image below to see a larger before/after comparison in one image, or better still look at the 533 x 800 pixel before and after images. (You can click on both links to open the images in new windows, and then switch between them by pressing the Alt and Tab keys together if you're a Windows user)...
The action is relatively simple to use, requiring you to create two TIFF files from your source CCD-RAW file, and then paste one atop the other in PhotoShop. Run the action, adjust the white and black points, and you're done! We made the example images ourselves from a RAW file Fred kindly supplied, and the 'before' image was converted with Canon's 'normal' contrast setting.
The Highlight Recovery action is available for a mere $4.50, and is accompanied by instructions on how to use it. Also available on Fred's site are free non-linear and linear RAW ICC profiles for the D30, as well as rapidly emerging FAQ and Tips sections devoted to the camera. Definitely a site to check out if you own (or are considering) the D30!
Fred Miranda's Canon EOS D30 pages