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Olympus Brio D-150

Olympus squeezes a 3x zoom lens into its slim, pocketable 1.3 megapixel "Brio" design.

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Page 8:Operation & User Interface

Review First Posted: 7/11/2001

Operation and User Interface
The D-150's operation is very simple and straightforward thanks to a limited number of user controls. The majority of Record features are controlled through the settings menu, except for the Optical Zoom, which is controlled with the small Zoom lever next to the Shutter button. Macro and Flash modes can also be controlled by pressing the Up and Right arrow keys (respectively) on the camera's four-way Arrow Pad. The LCD Record menu is fairly uncomplicated, with only three pages of options to scroll through. The camera's point-and-shoot design maintains the automatic exposure control, with only Exposure Compensation and White Balance adjustments available to override the camera's settings. While we normally like to see as many external controls as possible, the D-150's size limits the number of buttons that can be included. The sliding lens cover makes activating the camera very quick and easy, and eliminates the worry of holding onto a lens cap. We think most users won't have any trouble learning to use the D-150, and the multi-lingual manual (though brief) should answer any questions.

Sliding Lens Cover: Sliding horizontally across the front of the camera, this clamshell design plastic lens cover powers on the camera when slid open and automatically places it in Record mode. Likewise, closing the cover turns the camera off. The Playback mode is activated by closing the cover fully or partially, and pressing the Display button.

Shutter Button: Located on top of the camera, this button sets focus and exposure when halfway pressed. When fully pressed, the Shutter button triggers the shutter to open and close, making an exposure.

Zoom Lever: Next to the Shutter button on top right side of the camera, the Zoom lever magnifies the viewfinder scene by 3x in Record mode when pulled toward the right ("T" symbol) and returns to normal magnification when pushed all the way to the left ("W" symbol). When the Digital Zoom option is turned on in the camera's Record menu, pulling the Zoom lever to the right, past the maximum optical telephoto setting engages the 2x digital zoom. In Playback mode, pushing the Zoom lever to the left changes the image review to Index mode (four images with one push, and nine images with the second push). Pulling the Zoom lever to the right enlarges the single-image display by two times, for closer inspection of details.

Arrow Pad (Macro and Flash Buttons): This series of four arrow buttons, positioned around a raised circular pad, is located on the right side of the LCD monitor. At the base level, these arrow buttons allow the user to navigate through menu options in either Record or Playback mode, or scroll through captured images in Playback mode. The Up arrow is marked with a Macro flower symbol. When pressed once, this button pulls up the Macro menu option. Pressing it a second time changes the Macro setting to On or Off. The Right arrow button is marked with a lightning bolt, and controls the built-in flash's operating mode. When pressed once, the button pulls up the Flash menu option. Each subsequent press of the Flash button changes the flash setting in the on-screen menu.

Menu / OK Button: Positioned below the Arrow Pad on the right side, this button calls up the LCD menu display when pressed. (If the LCD monitor is switched off, pressing this button activates the display.) When making menu selections, this button serves as the "OK" button to confirm menu choices.

Display Button: Directly to the left of the Menu / OK button, the Display button controls the LCD monitor, turning it on or off. If pressed and held down when the lens cover is closed (fully or partially), this button powers on the camera and places it in Playback mode. Pressing it again turns the camera off. Pressing the button twice quickly while in Record mode allows you to scroll through captured images (a third press returns the camera to Record mode).

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