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Olympus D-460 Zoom

Olympus updates a popular 1.3 megapixel model with improved features and a simpler interface.

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Page 9:Camera Modes & Menus

Review First Posted: 6/14/2000

Camera Modes and Menus

Record Mode
Accessed automatically when the lens cover is opened, this mode automatically adjusts each image based on existing light conditions. Some options are available for white balance, flash, exposure compensation and metering. The Zoom lever controls the camera's optical zoom (up to 3x) while in this mode. Hitting the Menu button offers the following options:

  • Exposure Compensation (+/-): Sets the exposure compensation (EV adjustment) from -2 to +2 EV in half step increments.
  • Metering: Sets the camera's metering system to Digital ESP or Spot.
  • Quality: Sets the camera's image quality to SQ (Standard Quality), SQ High, HQ (High Quality), SHQ (Super High Quality or SHQ TIFF (uncompressed).
  • White Balance: Sets the camera's white balance to Auto, Daylight, Cloudy, Incandescent or Fluorescent.
  • ISO: Sets the camera's ISO sensitivity setting to Auto, 125, 250 or 500.
  • Drive: Puts the camera in sequence or single shooting mode.
  • Function: Accesses the Panorama shooting mode (if an Olympus brand SmartMedia card is used) or any special functions provided by an Olympus special function card.
  • Sharpness: Puts the camera in Normal or Soft sharpness modes.
  • File Number: Lets you choose between Auto or Name Reset.
  • Beep Sound: Turns the camera's beep sound on or off.
  • Reset: Resets all the menu settings to their default values.

Playback Mode
Accessible when the lens cover is closed, or when Quick Review mode has been enabled by pressing the display button twice from Record Mode. Playback mode allows you to view saved images, delete unwanted ones, protect images and access special functions with a function card. Pressing the Menu button in Playback brings up the Playback menu with the following options:

  • Display Mode: Allows you to view photos in rapid succession (Fast setting) or one at a time (Slow).
  • Number: Tells the camera to display either the Frame or File number.
  • Function: Accesses any special functions provided by an Olympus special function card.
  • Delete: Allows you to delete all images or reformat the SmartMedia card.
  • Date Set: Allows you to change the time and date setting.
  • Index Display: Allows you to set the index display to four, nine or 16 frames.
  • LCD Brightness: Allows you to adjust the brightness of the LCD display.

Self-Timer Mode
This mode is accessed via the Self-Timer button on the back panel and makes the camera 12 seconds before taking a picture. The Self-Timer signal shows on the LCD Monitor for the first 10 seconds, then blinks for the remaining two, as does a front-panel LED. If the camera beep sound is enabled, the camera will beep when the LED flashes, to let you know the exposure is imminent. The mode is canceled by hitting the Self-Timer button a second time.

Sequence Mode
Allows you to shoot up to two frames per second, depending on the amount of SmartMedia space and the image quality selected. Sequential shooting is not available with the non-compression quality setting. Flash is also not available in this mode. The shutter speed will be set to 1/30 second max to prevent blurring from camera movement, or slowing of the sequence by over-long shutter times. The mode is activated and canceled by selecting the Function option while in the Record menu.

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