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Kodak DC3800

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Page 6:Exposure & Flash

Review First Posted: 10/1/2000

Exposure control on the DC3800 is very straightforward. Because the camera operates in only automatic mode, there's no shutter speed to adjust. There's not even an exposure compensation function or white balance option to help accommodate difficult lighting situations. The DC3800's light sensitivity, or film speed equivalency, is rated at ISO 100, which means the camera is best suited for bright lighting situations.

A 10-second self-timer can be activated by depressing the top left-hand button above the camera's LCD monitor. Once activated, a small clock icon appears in the screen next to the flash indicator. A small LED light on the front of the camera blinks as it counts down. The countdown can be easily canceled by depressing the self-timer button a second time.

The DC3800 features a built-in flash with four operating modes: Automatic, Redeye, Fill, and Off. The Automatic mode lets the camera determine when to fire the flash, based on the current light levels. Redeye mode fires a quick pre-flash before the real flash to eliminate red-eye effect. Fill mode fires the flash with every exposure, and the Off setting completely disables the flash. Each flash mode is accessed by depressing the Flash button above the LCD monitor (marked by a lightning bolt) until the desired icon appears on the display. Kodak estimates the DC3800's flash to be effective from 1.6 to 8.2 feet (0.5 to 2.5 meters).

Burst Mode
For taking quick, successive shots, the DC3800 offers a Burst photography mode, accessible through the setup menu. In this mode, the camera can capture up to four images, at approximately two frames per second, with one press of the shutter button. The actual shot-to-shot recycle time will vary depending on the amount of image information being recorded. The camera's flash is temporarily disabled in this mode, and the image quality is automatically set to the lowest resolution (Good).

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