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Olympus Camedia E-100 Rapid Shot

Olympus unleashes a 1.5 megapixel speed demon: By FAR the fastest digicam we've tested to date!

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Page 7:Shutter Lag & Cycle Time Tests

Review First Posted: 1/18/2001

Shutter Lag/Cycle Times
When you press the shutter release on a digital camera, there's usually a lag time before the shutter actually fires. This time allows the autofocus and autoexposure mechanisms time to do their work, and can amount to a fairly long delay in some situations. Since this number is almost never reported by the manufacturer or other reviewers, and can significantly affect the picture-taking experience, Imaging Resource now routinely measures it using a proprietary testing system. The results are shown in the accompanying chart.

Given the unusual pre-capture capabilities of the E-100RS, our normal "shutter lag" measurements aren't terribly meaningful. On the other hand, the shutter lag in non-precapture mode is a good indication of how quickly the camera can complete its autofocus and exposure computations.


E-100RS Timings
Time (secs)
Power On -> First shot
A bit faster than average.
Depends on pending image processing.
Play to Record, first shot
Fairly fast
Record to play (max/min res)
Fairly fast
Shutter lag, precapture mode
minus 1.6 seconds to 0.0 seconds!
Shutter lag, full autofocus
A bit slower than average.
Shutter lag, manual focus
A bit slower than average.
Shutter lag, prefocus
A bit faster than average.


In "normal" operation, the E-100's shutter response isn't terribly quick, and it's full autofocus lag time is actually a bit slower than average. For sports or other fast-paced situations though, the combination of the ultra-high speed "motor drive", and the incredible precapture mode means you should never miss a shot for being too slow on the shutter button!

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