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Canon EOS-1D

Canon leaps into the professional SLR arena, with the fastest digital SLR on the planet!

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Page 9:Operating Details

Review First Posted: 09/24/2001

Operating Details

We'll of course have our usual exhaustive rundown on all the controls, menu screens, and operating modes of the EOS-1D in our full review of it in a few weeks. In the meantime, we thought our readers would be interested in the following information, which will give some further idea of the camera's functions and capabilities.



LCD Data Readouts
The EOS-1D uses two monochrome LCD data readouts to report camera status, and provide a visual user interface to the various knobs, dials, and buttons. As with the D30, you can actually control quite a bit of the camera's operation, without venturing into the menu system on the color LCD screen. This not only saves power (by avoiding the hefty drain of the large LCD screen), but makes the camera much quicker to operate. Here are the details of the information provided by the two LCD readouts, on the top and back of the camera:



Viewfinder Display
The optical viewfinder has data readouts in it identical to those in the EOS-1v film camera. Here's the information they provide:



Custom & Personal Menu Systems
The EOS-1D has a wealth of control available via it's "Custom" and "Personal" menu systems. Here's the settings these systems control:


Custom Function Groups
Custom Function group registration
Up to three groups of Custom Function settings can be saved for different shooting
purposes. This function can be set using the EOS-1D alone.
Limitation of available shooting modes
This function allows users to disable unwanted shooting modes and thus make
desired selections more quickly.
Limitation of available metering modes
This function allows users to disable unwanted metering modes and thus make
desired selections more quickly.
Designation of metering mode for manual exposure
Once a setting is selected, the designated metering mode will be selected
automatically when the shooting mode is set to M.
Setting of maximum and minimum shutter speeds
By limiting the range of available shutter speeds, this function speeds up selection
and data input by dial, and helps avoid accidental selection of the wrong shutter
Setting of maximum and minimum apertures
By limiting the range of available apertures, this function speeds up selection and
data input by dial, and helps avoid accidental selection of the wrong aperture.
Shooting mode and metering mode registration and switching
This function is useful when switching shooting and metering modes between two
different settings. When the Assist Button is pressed, the user can take photos
based on the stored shooting mode and settings (Tv, Av and manual exposure
Repetition of AEB during continuous shooting
While the shutter button is fully pressed, the EOS-1D continues to shoot based on
the AEB function and selected film advance mode.
Setting the number of shots in a bracketing sequence
By default, 3 shots are taken during AEB. This function allows the number of shots
to be 2, 3, 5 or 7.
Starting bracketing sequence from overexposure when C.Fn-09-
2 or C.Fn-09-3 is selected
This function changes the order of the AEB sequence for C.Fn-09-2 and
C.Fn-09-3 to overexposure, standard and underexposure.
Memorizing the shift amount for program shift
This function allows the shift amount for program shift to be maintained even after
the lens is changed or zoomed.
Setting AI Servo AF continuous shooting to drive speed priority
From the second frame, this setting places priority on drive speed instead of focusing.
Cancellation of focus-search drive by AF lens
Normally, when the focusing point loses the subject, the AF lens initiates focus-search
drive (moving from minimum-distance focus to infinite focus to locate the
subject). This function lets users disable the focus-search drive.
Cancellation of Speedlite AF-auxiliary light
Speedlites project an AF-assist beam onto the subject. This function disables the
beam so that the light pattern does not appear on the subject.
Automatic shooting of subject passing through fixed focus point
With this function, the user fixes the focus at a particular distance and then fully
presses the shutter button, leaving the camera to automatically release the shutter
when a subject passes through the focusing point.
Disabling of automatic focusing point selection
This function prevents accidental use of the automatic focusing point selection mode.
Enabling automatic focusing point selection when C.Fn-11-2 has been set
When selecting focusing point by Quick Control Dial alone, the selection stops at
an outer focusing point, regardless of how far the dial is turned. This function changes
this default setting to allow the selection of the automatic focusing point selection
mode. It also allows horizontal selection moves.
Setting of continuous shooting speed
This function enables users to change the speed of continuous shooting in
Setting of maximum number of continuous shots
This function allows users to limit the number of frames per continuous shooting burst.
Delaying of film advance for silent operation
In the single-frame shooting mode, after the shutter has been fully pressed, this
function delays film advance until the shutter button is eased back to halfway.
Changing of timer hold duration
This function allows users to change time duration for various timers within a range
of 0 to 3600 seconds.
Illumination of LCD panel during bulb exposure
By illuminating the LCD panel until bulb exposure is completed, this function makes
it easier to check the exposure time when using the camera in the dark.
Default setting adjustment when CLEAR button is pressed
This function lets users adjust the default settings to suit their needs. Adjustable
settings include picture taking, metering and AF modes, the method of focusing
point selection and other focusing point options.
Setting electronic dials to function in reverse direction
Functions are reassigned to the opposite dial direction. This can be applied to
the Main Dial, Quick Control Dial, or both dials.
Disabling of exposure compensation via Quick Control Dial
This function makes exposure compensation inaccessible from the Quick Control
Dial, thus preventing unintended exposure compensation.


Calibration of exposure meter to matchcharacteristics of focusing
0: Sets calibration to match new laser matte screen (EC-N/R)
1: Sets calibration to match standard laser matte screen (EC-A/B/C/D/H/I/L)
Finder display during exposure
0: Enables
1: Disables
Shutter release when no CF card is inserted
0: Enables
1: Disables
ISO sensitivity expansion
0: Enables
1: Disables
AF activation (shutter button) and AE lock button
0: AF is activated when shutter button is pressed halfway. AE is locked by AE lock
1: AF and AE are activated by AE lock button. AE is locked when shutter button
is pressed halfway.
2: AF and AE are activated when shutter button is pressed halfway. AE is locked
by AE lock button.
3: AF and AE are activated by AE lock button. AE is unlocked when shutter button
is pressed halfway.
Tv/Av during manual exposure and aperture without lens
0: Shutter speed is set by Main Dial. Aperture value is set by Quick Control Dial
or by exposure compensation button plus Main Dial.
1: Aperture value is set by Main Dial. Shutter speed is set by Quick Control Dial
or by exposure compensation button plus Main Dial.
2: The same as C.Fn-5-0. When aperture priority AE or manual exposure is selected,
aperture value can be set with no lens mounted.
3: The same as C.Fn-5-1. When aperture priority AE or manual exposure is selected,
aperture value can be set with no lens mounted.
Increments for user-selected shutter speed and aperture
0: 1/3-stop steps for shutter speed and aperture (same for exposure compensation
and flash metered manual)
1: Full-stop steps for shutter speed and aperture (1/3 stop steps for exposure
compensation and flash metered manual)
2: 1/2-stop steps for shutter speed and aperture (same for exposure compensation
and flash metered manual)
Note: during ISO speed bracketing, C.Fn-6-2 is disabled and automatic leveling exposure
can be set in 1/3-stop steps.
USM lens electronic ring manual focus
0: Enables ring manual adjustment during one-shot AF
1: Disables ring manual adjustment during one-shot AF
2: Disables ring manual adjustment at all times
Programmable display information:Top panel/Back panel
0: Remaining frames / file number
1: ISO speed / remaining frame count
2: ISO speed / file number
3: Number of images in active folder / remaining frame count
Note: viewfinder shows same info as LCD panels
AEB shooting sequence and auto cancellation
0: Standard Minus compensation Plus compensation / AEB auto cancellation
1: Standard Minus compensation Plus compensation / no AEB auto cancellation
2: Minus compensation Standard Plus compensation / AEB auto cancellation
3: Minus compensation Standard Plus compensation / no AEB auto cancellation
Note: applied to AEB, ISO-speed bracketing and WB bracketing.
Focusing point illumination
0: On
1: Off
2: On without dimming
3: Brighter
AF point selection method
0: AF point selection button + Main or Quick Control Dial
1: Exposure compensation button + Main or Quick Control Dial
2: Quick Control Dial (when metering) for horizontal point shifting. Assist Button
+ Main Dial for vertical point shifting. / Focusing point selection button for switching
from manual to auto selection (while AF is activated). / Quick Control Dial (when
C-Fn13-3 is activated) for selecting outer focusing points.
3: FE lock button + Main or Quick Control Dial
Mirror lockup
0: Disables
1: Enables
Limits selectable AF points and links spot metering
0: Manual selection of 45 AF points, center spot metering
1: Manual selection of 11 AF points, metering synchronized to focusing point
2: Manual selection of 11 AF points, center spot metering
3: Manual selection of 9 AF points, metering synchronized to focusing point
Automatic reduction of fill-in flash output
0: Enables
1: Disables
Shutter curtain synchronization timing
0: First curtain sync selection
1: Second curtain sync selection
(Effective only for Speedlites 220EX and 380EX)
Safety shift in Av/Tv priority AE
0: Enables
1: Disables
Expansion of focusing point selection range
0: Standard
1: One-step range expansion
2: Automatic range expansion
Preselected AF point recall
0: Recalled by pressing Assist Button + AF point selection button
1: Recalled by pressing Assist Button
2: Recalled only while pressing Assist Button
Reassigning function of AF stop button
0: Stops AF
1: Activates AF
2: Locks AE while metering timer is used
3: Activates auto selection of 45 AF points
4: Switches AF mode to one-shot AF or AI servo
5: Activates camera-shake blur compensation (if compensation mode is on)
(Effective on EF lenses with built-in AF stop buttons)
AI Servo AF tracking sensitivity
0: Standard
1: Slow
2: Moderately slow
3: Moderately fast
4: fast



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