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Canon PowerShot S100 Digital ELPH

Canon packs 2 megapixels and a 2x optical zoom into the "smallest digicam on the planet!"

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Page 8:Operation & User Interface

Review First Posted: 6/20/2000

Operation and User Interface
As we mentioned earlier, we found the S100's user interface very straightforward and relatively uncomplicated, but just a little wearing. Most of the camera's functions are controlled by the control buttons on the top and the back panel, while settings such as exposure mode, white balance, exposure compensation, etc. are controlled through the LCD based Record menu. Rather than scrolling through pages, you scroll through menu items by repeatedly pressing the Menu button. This was the trickiest part of the menu system, but was quickly figured out by glancing through the manual. Our only complaint here is that changing menu settings is a little tedious, with a lot of screens to scroll through. We generally like to see more external controls and less reliance on the LCD monitor. For example, it's a lot faster to change the exposure compensation by hitting a button a couple of times than fishing through a multi-screen menu system. That said, we are pleased to see that a fair range of camera modes and features are controlled externally, such as the flash, self-timer and macro modes.

Shutter Button
Located on the top panel and encircled by the zoom lever, this button sets focus and exposure when halfway pressed and fires the shutter when fully pressed.

Zoom Lever (Index Display and Playback Zoom Control)
Located on top of the camera and featuring a small tab for easy turning, this lever controls the optical and digital telephoto when the camera is in Record mode. In Playback mode, the lever pulls up a nine image index display (when pushed to the wide angle end) and zooms into captured images (when pulled to the telephoto end).

On/Off Button
Also located on top of the camera, but to the left of the shutter button, this button powers the camera up and shuts it down. When the camera is powered on, the lens extends outward into its operating position. Likewise, the lens retracts back into the camera body when the camera is switched off.

Mode Switch
Located on the top right of the back panel of the camera, this switch slides back and forth between Record and Playback modes.

CF Open Latch
Located on the right side of the back panel, this switch opens the CompactFlash card slot.

Display Button
Located beneath the LCD monitor on the back panel, this button turns the LCD display on and off.

Menu Button
Located to the left of the Display button, this button accesses the LCD menu system in Record and Playback modes.

Macro/Infinity Button (Right Arrow Key)
Located to the left of the Menu button, this button cycles between Macro, Infinity Focus and normal camera modes while in Record mode. In both Playback and Record menus, this button acts as the right arrow key to navigate through menu items. In Playback mode, this button scrolls through captured images.

Continuous/Self-Timer Button (Left Arrow Key)
Located to the left of the Macro/Infinity Focus button, this button cycles through Single, Continuous and Self-Timer shooting modes while the camera is in Record mode. In both Playback and Record menus, this button serves as the left arrow key to navigate through menu items. In Playback mode, it scrolls through recorded images.

Flash Button (Set Button)
Located beneath the bottom left corner of the LCD monitor, this button cycles through the following five flash modes:

  • Automatic - The camera determines when to fire the flash based on existing light levels.
  • Redeye Reduction - The camera fires a small pre-flash before the full flash to reduce the occurrence of Redeye in pictures of people.
  • Forced On - The flash always fires, regardless of lighting conditions.
  • Forced Off - The flash never fires, regardless of lighting conditions.
  • Slow-Synchro - The flash is used with a slow shutter speed to allow more ambient light into the exposure.

In both Playback and Record menus, this button serves as the "OK" to select menu options and return to the main display.

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