Orbs, begone! Fuji UK promises solution for X10 image defect


posted Monday, March 5, 2012 at 3:30 PM EDT

Fujifilm's X10 digital camera. Photo provided by Fujifilm. Click here for our Fujifilm X10 preview.Fujifilm will soon provide a solution for customers experiencing a much-discussed issue with its Fujifilm X10 digital camera, according to a report from our friends at the Digital Photography Review today.

The problem is apparent when shooting scenes containing strong point light sources such as sunlight reflecting off water, and appears predominantly at lower ISO sensitivities. In the right circumstances, these light sources appear as unnatural-looking white circles, and the user community has dubbed this the "white orb" problem. Fujifilm previously issued a firmware update attempting to address the issue, but tests from a variety of websites--and, indeed, our own in-house testing--confirm that the defect does still appear, and that there isn't a marked difference in appearance after the firmware update is applied.

Now, DPR's report, citing a representative of Fujifilm UK at the Focus 2012 tradeshow in Birmingham, suggests that a 'definitive solution' will be provided. No information is yet available as to what this will entail, but more specifics will apparently be available in around a week.

More info can be found in the Digital Photography Review article.