Photographer documents death of film with photos of Kodak plants being demolished
posted Tuesday, November 6, 2012 at 7:28 PM EDT

Photographer Robert Burley's new book "The Disappearance of Darkness," is not exactly an epitaph to the death of analog film in photography but it certainly could be called a eulogy.
Subtitled "Photography at the End of the Analog Era," the book features haunting images documenting film's slow fade to black including photos of old Kodachrome labs, classic photo booths sitting unused and, most strikingly, shots of Kodak plants being demolished.
Burley shot most of the images in the book with a field camera at the factories of Agfa, Kodak, Ilford and Polaroid.
The short movie below, which is narrated by Burley, shows some of his work and records the photographer's thoughts on what he calls "the end of photography as I've known it."
You can see some of Burley's powerful images from the book in a gallery on CNN's website.
For further reading, check out our story on another short film entitled "Film Not Yet Dead," which looks at the shrinking world of photographers who are still devoted to shooting film.
(Via BoingBoing)