Pro photographer offers helpful tips on how to pick the right camera lens (VIDEO)
posted Thursday, February 14, 2013 at 12:25 PM EDT

If you've just started using a digital SLR or compact system camera and want to learn more about how to pick out the right lens to pair it with, the following how-to video tutorial is a good starting place. It's led by professional travel photographer Kerrick James and focuses on Pentax lenses but the information could easily be applied to Canon, Nikon, Sony, and other interchangeable lens systems as well.
James breaks down a variety of lens categories from wide-angles to prime lenses with fast apertures, to telephotos and zooms. He also offers examples of the types of photos you can capture with specific lenses so you can see the benefits of different focal lengths and apertures.
Yes, experienced photographers might find the information too basic but if you're just starting out with a DSLR or CSC, the short video is a good primer on the often intimidating and confusing process of lens selection.
(Via Reddit)