Hilarious “Reasons My Son Is Crying” tumblr goes viral; photo blog will haunt these kids for the rest of their years
posted Tuesday, April 9, 2013 at 2:20 PM EDT

Reasons My Son Is Crying is the newest Tumblr image blog to take the Internet by storm, as one dad chronicles the reasons his 21-month old and three-year old sons break down crying. The photo blog is run by Greg Pembroke, who has taken to recording the nonsensical and typically mundane reasons why his two toddlers throw enormous tantrums.
If the Tumblr were just the images on their own, it would be far less entertaining than what Pembroke has created, as he's written the reason for each and every tantrum along with the image. It the utter banality of the causes that make the crying photos so hilarious, such as "His brother pretended to sing for one second," "The slide is not slippery enough," or "I wouldn’t let him drown in this pond."
The blog's popularity has exploded over the last couple of days, buoyed on the back of thousands of parents who have dealt with their own toddlers acting this way for such minor slights as not having a drink in the right colored cup. This morning Pembroke and sons were even featured on Good Morning America, discussing how he came up with the idea of putting these images online, and the immense popularity that's sprung out of it.
And you just know that for the rest of their lives, any time the parents want to embarrass either of these two boys, they'll just have to pull up an incredibly popular blog of the two of them crying for almost no reason.