Viral video gives Photoshopped model a makeunder—with surprising results!
posted Monday, December 23, 2013 at 9:21 PM EDT

A couple of months ago, a viral video hit the web which gave us a peek at the dark underbelly of advertising. Now, a followup has appeared from a rival ad agency which takes the piece in an altogether more festive direction, with what could charitably be described as the ultimate makeunder.
The original piece, created by writer/director Tim Piper of New York ad agency Piro, began by showing his wife, model Sally Gifford Piper as she looks in real life, free of makeup and trickery. Over the following minute, we followed the transformations as first makeup and hair extensions were applied, and then the Photoshop artists were unleashed. The final result was something completely artificial, and yet frighteningly familiar to us all. Everywhere we go, we're bombarded with artificial images like these which give us a completely unrealistic image of what the healthy body should look like.
Colorado-based ad agency Victors & Spoils has created a response to Piro's video that -- while a whole lot less serious -- again reminds us just how little truth can remain in a retouched photo. And as an added bonus, the final result is rather appropriate for the holiday season. We won't spoil the surprise, but suffice to say you've never seen a makeunder quite like this one before!

(via The Phoblographer)