Follow up: Joe Fellows answers questions about how to turn your photos into 2.5D (VIDEO)
posted Friday, January 17, 2014 at 3:59 PM EDT

Last November we profiled a video by photographer and videographer Joe Fellows, where he walked through making one of his signature parallax/2.5D animations out of a still image. Now Fellows is back with a follow-up video, this time answering some of the questions that people put his way after the success of his last endeavor.
The original video got widely distributed via a number of gadget blogs, and it's really interesting to see Fellows taking the time and effort to answer some of the trickier questions that folks had as to his technique. In the follow up, he specifically delves into how he painted in the background behind his subject, how he made the balls look like they were spinning or out of focus, how he animated the shadow on his chest, how he rigged his body for motion, and more.
So if you want to take deeper look at how he puts together these interesting animated photos in Photoshop and After Effects, just check out the video below. And if any of our readers ended up trying his technique, we'd love to see how it turned out!