Blurry shots, backwards cameras inspired National Geographic editor to pursue photography
posted Friday, April 18, 2014 at 12:39 PM EDT

Here’s a pleasant way to get your photo-filled weekend started: With inspiring words from a senior photo editor at National Geographic.
In this short clip (which is an ad for Microsoft OneDrive, but not an egregious one), Nat Geo senior photo editor Pamela Chen talks about what inspired her to pursue photography as a career path, and what she still looks forward to in her photographic pursuits.
The moment photography clicked for her was in college. She was minoring in photography, but one day, she took a blurry photo of a couple riding a skateboard, and boom, something clicked about seeing the world in a different way. She made photojournalism her major shortly thereafter.

Today, Chen gets most excited when she’s researched a story for weeks or months on end, and then finally gets to go photograph it in person. If nothing else, it’s worth a watch for the photo of Chen holding a camera up to her face, lens-first, when she was 9 months old.
(Via PetaPixel)