Artist organizes 2,400 high-res photos from NASA expeditions into massive ‘creative pack’
posted Monday, January 5, 2015 at 11:59 AM EDT

Since its inception in 1958, NASA has captured and shared some of the most incredible images from our solar system and beyond. Unfortunately, many of these images are spread throughout a handful of resources; some online, some not.
To highlight some of NASA’s best work, artist Reid Southen took upon himself the tedious task of sorting through thousands of NASA’s images. Ultimately, he ended up with the first of many ‘packs,’ designed with fellow creatives in mind. This first pack contains 2,400 high-res photos from Expeditions 30–42 to the International Space Station.
Many of the images are sourced from Flickr, but a few others are tossed in there for good measure. As with all NASA work, the photographs included in Southen’s creative pack are distributed under the Creative Commons License, both in the CC-by and CC-by-nc derivatives.
To ensure you’re not using the provided photos in an unauthorized manner, Southen includes an attribution folder to help identify how each image can be used.
For additional convenience, the 2,400 images are divided into nine categories: Comet, Earth, EVA, ISS Interior, Landing, Launch, Moon, Preparation and Spacecraft.
Below we’ve gathered just a few images from the collection.

This pack is set to be the first of many, so be sure to keep an eye out for future editions. In the meantime, you can pick up his first pack on his website. Be prepared though…the entire collection comes in at a whopping 3.5GB.
(via DIY Photography)
Image credits: Photographs by NASA