10 times stronger than traditional filters? Introducing Sigma’s “Clear Glass Ceramics” lens protectors
posted Wednesday, December 16, 2015 at 11:00 AM EDT

Last night Sigma introduced a new product line in lens protection filters utilizing a brand new technology called Clear Glass Ceramics, and given the specs for this new line we can't wait to get them out into the field and give them a trial run for you. (And for ourselves!)
"Water drops bouncing right off, fingerprints easily removed..." are just a few of the claims Sigma is making for their new "Water Repellent Ceramic Protector" line of lens protectors. Rated as 10 times stronger than a conventional protective filter and three times the strength of a chemically strengthened filter, they're also 50% thinner and 30% lighter than previous Sigma filters.
"Say What?"

According to Mark Amir-Hamzeh, president of Sigma Corporation of America: “The new Clear Glass Ceramic protector is the first of its kind and the strongest material used in the industry. It will enable photographers to safeguard their lenses, while maintaining the impressive sharpness offered by high-quality glass, like our Global Vision line of lenses.”
The water repellent coating is listed as reflecting only .24% of visible light, and therefore able to keep flare and ghosting at a minimum. This will certainly be an interesting specification for us to check out for you! In addition, it's reported to have a very high level of light transmittance. One of the biggest drawbacks of filters traditionally has been a reduction in available light passing through, so this is indeed good news.

The Sigma Ceramic Protector is offered in the most popular filter thread sizes, and is compatible with every Sigma lens with threads from 67-105mm diameters. Compatible Sigma lenses include:
Sigma’s Art line: 35mm F1.4 DG HSM, 30mm F1.4 DC HSM, 18-35mm F1.8 DC HSM, 24-35mm F2 DG HSM, 24-105mm F4 DG OS HSM, 50mm F1.4 DG HSM, 24mm F1.4 DG HSM, 19mm F2.8 DN, 30mm F2.8 DN and 60mm F2.8 DN. Sports line: 120-300mm F2.8 DG OS HSM and 150-600mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM. Compatible lenses in the Contemporary line include the 17-70mm F2.8-4.0 DC OS HSM, 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 DC OS HSM, 18-300mm F3.5-6.3 DC OS HSM and the 150-600mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM.
Pricing and availability have not yet been released, so stay tuned as we'll have you more as soon as we hear it!
See our Sigma lens reviews:
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