Crack open a Canon: LensRentals tears down the just-launched EOS 5D Mark IV DSLR!
posted Tuesday, September 13, 2016 at 5:59 AM EDT

It's the camera everyone's talking about, whether it's in praise of new features like Dual Pixel Raw, or sharing their concerns about missing video capture features. But what lies inside the brand-new body of the Canon EOS 5D Mark IV? The good folks over at LensRentals just got a batch of 5D IV bodies in to rent to their customers -- and as luck would have it, they had more than were required to fill their existing rental orders.
Never ones to shy away from dismantling even a brand-new, expensive camera and then putting it back together again, LensRentals president Roger Cicala and repair department manager Aaron Closz have answered that question with another of their way-too-cool camera teardowns. It probably goes without saying that you shouldn't try this for yourself, lest you end up with a very expensive paperweight. Aaron and Roger are pros who know what they're doing, and they do this stuff so you folks at home don't have to!

So just what did they find inside of the Canon 5D IV? Well, we don't want to give away too much, but let's just say that you'll learn a lot about the build quality of this camera, the one place you might want to help protect from the elements, and the reason you'll definitely want to use your bundled HDMI / USB cable protector.
Find out all of this and much more now in LensRentals' Canon 5D IV teardown!
(Teardown image courtesy of LensRentals.)