Shutter Release: Is pixel peeping a waste of time? Intrepid Film Photography Award winners announced
posted Tuesday, June 20, 2017 at 7:00 AM EDT

Shutter Release is an ongoing series here at Imaging Resource where we search the internet to find interesting photography-related topics to share with you. We don’t have time to cover everything we see in depth and Shutter Release is our way of boiling down a carefully-selected assortment of articles, news and videos into bite-sized pieces.
In today’s edition of Shutter Release, we have a couple of controversial topics to share with you. The first is an opinion piece on why pixel peeping is a waste of time. The second is a piece on the current state of photojournalism and how it is being affected by social media. The next two pieces should be of interest to portrait photographers in particular, as we share a great breakdown of Nikon Speedlights and an article listing 10 reasons why you should own a 5-in-1 reflector. Finally, we finish today’s Shutter Release with a link to the Intrepid Film Photography Awards winners and an ongoing Intrepid Kickstarter to bring large format 8 x 10 film photography to the masses.
Is pixel peeping a waste of time? – Light Stalking
If you’re reading Imaging Resource, you’ve likely pixel peeped some images over the years. After all, why have the latest and greatest in camera technology if you aren’t zooming in on files to appreciate it? Photographer Jason D. Little writes that “pixel peeping is (mostly) a waste of time.” After reading his article, do you agree or disagree?
Rules for photojournalism in the age of social media – The Click
We have been immersed in the age of social media for quite some time, but journalism is still searching for its identity to an extent. It’s not uncommon to see a photo editor for a major publication chiming in on Twitter comment threads asking for permission – or not asking at all -to use a photo or video for their coverage. Journalism budgets have been slashed and with the culling has been a significant loss in professional photojournalism jobs. Read an interesting take on photojournalism’s current state over at Thoughts of a Bohemian.
Nikon Speedlight comparison – Photography Life
There are a lot of Nikon Speedlights on the market today, from entry-level models all the way up to high-tech, high-power professional flash heads. To help simplify the differences between the models, Photography Life has published a great breakdown of Nikon Speedlights, complete with a specifications and features chart.
10 reasons you should own a 5-in-1 reflector – SLR Lounge
Continuing in a general lighting trend, SLR Lounge argues that you must own a 5-in-1 reflector. Check out their list of the ten reasons why you should own one and which ones are worth buying here.
Intrepid Film Photography Awards winners announced – British Journal of Photography
If you needed another reminder that film is not dead, the Intrepid Film Photography Awards has announced their three winners from nearly 5,000 entries. Check out the winning images here. They’re an excellent group of images which are highly deserving of their honors.
On a related note, Intrepid Camera is in the final days of its successful Kickstarter campaign to launch an affordable 8 x 10 large format film camera. Check it out in the video below and click the link above to get in on the ground floor before the campaign ends.