How to fix fringes and white edges in Photoshop
posted Wednesday, December 20, 2017 at 5:00 PM EDT

Suppose you're editing an image in Photoshop and you're making extensive adjustments or working with a selection, it's not unusual to have some white edges or fringing appear in your photograph. How can you get rid of this ugly fringe? Unmesh Dinda of PiXimperfect has published a new video tutorial which shows us how to remove the fringe within Photoshop.
The first of two easy methods he shows off is the smudge tool. This may be a surprising tool to use, but it can work very well when working with a layer mask. Make the smudge tool brush large and very soft and slowly nudge it toward your selection. With a soft touch, you can make natural looking adjustments.
As you can tell in the video below, the first method does lead to soft edges. The second method he presents helps counteract this issue by utilizing the brightness and contrast image adjustments within Photoshop. This method requires the use of "Legacy" brightness and contrast in Photoshop, so if you're using a newer version of the software you'll need to check the "Legacy" box in the brightness/contrast adjustment dialog. To see Dinda's methods in action, check out the video.
(Via PiXimperfect)